The Limited Times

Xavier Bertrand: "By his vaccination strategy, Macron committed an extremely serious fault"

1/4/2021, 8:04:48 PM

The President of Hauts-de-France deplores the slowness of the vaccine strategy for which, according to him, the President of the Republic is responsible

Former Minister of Health (2005-2007), currently at the head of the Hauts-de-France region, Xavier Bertrand is angry.

He blames the President of the Republic, Emmanuel Macron, and criticizes both the slowness of the vaccine and the lack of transparency.

Jean Rottner, your counterpart in the Grand-Est region qualifies the vaccination campaign as a “state scandal”.

Do you share?



The chosen strategy inevitably leads us to failure.

It must be changed immediately to accelerate.

The President of the Republic must tell us the truth about the number of doses of vaccines currently present on the territory and those that we will receive, week after week, by region, department and health establishment.

If 500,000 doses have been delivered, why were we only on Monday morning with 516 vaccinated?

With 500,000 more doses each week, the goal must be beyond 1 million French people vaccinated at the end of January.

"Truth", you suggest that power is hiding data?

We are being drowned in the numbers, but I, the president of the region, have no idea how many doses the nursing homes and hospitals in Hauts-de-France will benefit from.

We are told that caregivers over 50 can be vaccinated, but those who called this Monday to find out where had no information.

Such a gap between the announcements and the reality on the ground is not acceptable.

However, a failure means that we, the French, will not be protected against the Covid, with an economic and social life that does not regain its rights and an unbearable downgrading.

Being last in the vaccination rankings is no place for France!

Reviewing the strategy was the object of this Monday's meeting at the Elysee ...

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Finally, she stood!

Now we have to be completely transparent.

I wouldn't want to be praised for slowness to cover up the lack of available vaccines.

We cannot relive the same official lie as on the masks, this fiasco where the doctrine was guided by the shortage.

The Covid page will only turn with the vaccine.

Immunization must be the national priority.

But concretely, what would you change?

If we maintain the pre-vaccination consultation in nursing homes, we will not get out of it.

Why not oral - and unwritten - consent as is the case with the flu?

Then, logistics: to hear some officials, "stewardship will follow".

No !

It should be "stewardship will take precedence."

There are private logisticians who know how to do it, an army health service capable of intervening.

Let us lean on them.

All this can only work with deep decentralization and by working with local elected officials.

Now is the time for general mobilization!

In my region, well before the official date of February, I am ready to open general public vaccination centers in our public spaces or high schools.

It is also necessary that we have the doses and that we have more health personnel authorized to vaccinate ...

Have we let ourselves be "terrorized" by anti-vaccine?

We are once again victims of “at the same time”.

The government wanted to take into account those who are against the vaccine as well as those who are in favor.

Sorry, but it can't work that way.

Let us rely on the 50% of French people wishing to be vaccinated.

The more French people you have vaccinated, the more vaccination ambassadors you will have.

Quick, a general public promotion campaign!

However the president himself pushed a rant against this "unjustified slowness" ...

Stop hypocrisy!

In France, everything goes through the office of this president.

The vaccine strategy was established by the Defense Council, chaired by the Head of State.

So the blow of anger, it's going well!

Political responsibility means that we do not pass on to others.

By his vaccination strategy, the president committed an extremely serious fault, he will have to explain himself to the French.

"I would not want whatever costs have stopped at the door of the vaccine strategy", underlines Xavier Bertrand./LP/Arnaud Dumontier  

France should buy doses in addition to those ordered by Europe?

Of course.

Europe is not distinguished by its speed, whether in negotiations or orders ... It should have gone faster.

When, Minister of Health, with the green light from Jacques Chirac, I had to prepare France for the risk of H5N1 influenza, I directly negotiated the acquisition of doses of Tamiflu from the Roche laboratory, without going through Europe.

It was not orthodox but there was no shortage afterwards.

Even if it means buying the more expensive vaccine?

The countries which have vaccines before the others (the United States and Israel) have paid a high price for them, it is true.

But their population is protected faster.

Human health is priceless.

I would not want the “whatever the cost” to have stopped at the door of the vaccine strategy, at national as well as European level.

I would like to be sure that we haven't cut corners on prices, which would explain why we don't have priority for deliveries.

Should we speed up the authorizations of other vaccines, such as AstraZeneca?


As for the French vaccine Sanofi, everything must be done at the regulatory level so that it arrives faster.

A citizen collective responsible for monitoring the vaccination strategy will be drawn.

Democratic advance or gadget?

Ah, we really needed that, it will change everything



Democracy will be better when everyone exercises their own responsibilities and we stop constantly bypassing Parliament.

Political responsibility cannot be delegated.

It is full and complete.

Should restaurants be able to reopen on January 20?

Let us be shown, supported by scientific study, that even with a reinforced health protocol, we cannot reopen them, but then why do school canteens and company restaurants remain open?

This double standard is incomprehensible.

Is the advanced 6pm curfew in some departments a good measure?

Do you know why it's six o'clock?

Again, what science is the government relying on?

Transparency is an obligation and the condition of trust.

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