The Limited Times

Bad business: Israel gets vaccinated, Palestinians don't

1/5/2021, 11:55:37 PM

The only doses that reach the territories are for the settlers A man gets vaccinated at a Jerusalem health center DPA via Europa Press / Europa Press Be careful with breastfeeding. The British Government did so when it proclaimed that its pioneering vaccination showed that it had the best scientists in the world, omitting the detail that the injection was co-produced by Pfizer (USA) and BioNTech (Germany) and manufactured by Belgium. It is true that Oxford h

A man gets vaccinated at a Jerusalem health center DPA via Europa Press / Europa Press

Be careful with breastfeeding.

The British Government did so when it proclaimed that its pioneering vaccination showed that it had the best scientists in the world, omitting the detail that the injection was co-produced by Pfizer (USA) and BioNTech (Germany) and manufactured by Belgium.

It is true that Oxford has created one of the first, but all that is today buried by an aftershock of the tsunami that can be even more exhausting and serious than the first two.

And no one wants to see again the spectacle of countries with great scientists and very poor hospitals, like the US and the UK, not again ...

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