The Limited Times

Finance Strives To Approve Assistance Plan Before Going On Vacation | Israel today

1/5/2021, 10:34:43 PM

| economy Minister Israel Katz will strive to approve today in the Finance Committee the "Braking for Growth" plan so that it can be submitted to the Knesset plenum, for a second and third reading • The goal: approval before the recess Katz visiting the Mahane Yehuda market Photography:  Oren Ben Hakon On the eve of the Knesset's departure for the election recess, Finance Minister Israel Katz is speedi

Minister Israel Katz will strive to approve today in the Finance Committee the "Braking for Growth" plan so that it can be submitted to the Knesset plenum, for a second and third reading • The goal: approval before the recess

  • Katz visiting the Mahane Yehuda market


    Oren Ben Hakon

On the eve of the Knesset's departure for the election recess, Finance Minister Israel Katz is speeding up the urgent approval of the new grants law "halting growth" of the prime minister and finance minister.

This is a plan that the government approved yesterday, so that the grants can be paid by the end of this month.

Last night, the law was approved for the first reading in the Knesset, and this morning the Knesset's Finance Committee will be asked to approve it for the second and third readings, so that the Knesset plenum will approve it before the recess.

According to the main points of the approved plan, the eligibility threshold for business assistance grants for fixed expenses as set for November-December 2020 will also be extended to the January-February 2021. Eligibility period.

An additional aid grant will also be given to businesses.

This is a business whose turnover in 2019 was more than NIS 18,000 and does not exceed NIS 300,000, and there was a decrease in turnover of at least 25% between the business activity in the period from March to December 2020, and its activity in the corresponding period in 2019.

The scope of the grant will be determined according to the depth of the injury.

When it comes to a 40% -25% damage to the business turnover, it is a grant of NIS 3,000.

With a 60% -40% damage to the business turnover, this is a grant of NIS 5,000.

In the event of an injury of more than 60%, they receive a grant of NIS 9,000.

For an exempt dealer, the decrease in turnover in 2020 will be examined compared to 2019, in order to determine eligibility for the grant amounts.

The property tax will be refunded

It was also stipulated that the Minister of the Interior will amend regulations under which property tax expenses will also be reimbursed to businesses affected by more than NIS 400 million, and eligibility will be determined in accordance with the eligibility threshold set for businesses in turnover of NIS 200 million to NIS 400 million, compared to the corresponding months in 2019.

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