The Limited Times

How to protect the rights and interests of Pinduoduo employees suspected of overwork?

1/5/2021, 10:43:37 PM

While most people are welcoming the new year with expectation, a 23-year-old female employee of the mainland e-commerce giant Pinduoduo fell on the streets of Urumqi at minus 20 degrees after working overtime at 1:30 a.m. on December 29. no

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Written by: Commentary Editing Room

2021-01-06 06:30

Last update date: 2021-01-06 06:30

While most people are welcoming the new year with expectation, a 23-year-old female employee of the mainland e-commerce giant Pinduoduo fell on the streets of Urumqi at minus 20 degrees after working overtime at 1:30 a.m. on December 29. Can't wait for the new year to come.

Pinduoduo is a dark horse in the e-commerce industry. It has been listed in three years and its market value has exceeded 100 billion in five years. However, behind the company's efficiency lies the demanding working hours of its employees.

This includes leaving get off work at 11 p.m., which is more stringent than "996", taking two days off each month, and deducting three hours of wages for one minute late.

Screenshots of the official account of Pinduoduozhihu.

Mainland labor protection fails to go up and down

The Mainland’s labor law states that “the country implements a work system in which workers work no more than 8 hours a day and an average work week no more than 44 hours”, and there are explicit provisions on overtime compensation, but labor disputes concerning overtime and overtime pay Employees are often required to bear the burden of proof, providing attendance records, overtime approval forms, overtime notices, videos, witness testimonies, and written records of work done during overtime, etc., making it very difficult to provide objective evidence, not to mention that many employees are pressing Under pressure, sign agreements such as "voluntary overtime".

Not only is the law difficult to implement, the mainland society also seems to rationalize or even beautify this phenomenon.

For example, Alibaba founder Jack Ma proposed that "996" is a good news, and Pinduoduo's official account responded to the employee's overwork and death by saying "Look at the people at the bottom, which one is not using life for money." I don’t care about it, I’m used to it, and even said, "This is an era of hard work. You can choose a comfortable day, but you have to choose the consequences of ease. People can control their own efforts." The meaning is that there is no reflection on the company's long working hours, and it even beautifies this as "effort."

Hong Kong's working hours are not regulated, not impossible

This is true in the Mainland where there are eight-hour working hours regulation legislation, not to mention Hong Kong, where standard working hours have not yet been established.

With the beautification of exploitation by mainland enterprises and the definition of warped struggle, Hong Kong employers also have many excuses for setting up standard working hours to protect workers' health and rights.

For example, there are opinions in the business community that some working hours are difficult to measure. Take the teacher's work as an example. Since teachers' working hours are not only in the classroom, working hours cannot be counted and regulated.

However, in fact, many regions have already stipulated the working hours of teachers. The United Kingdom has stipulated that 21 types of non-professional administrative tasks should not be held by teachers for a long time, limiting the maximum working hours of teachers and the time ratio of teaching preparation.

There are also employer representatives who believe that standard working hours will weaken the competitiveness and flexibility of enterprises.

However, relying on the conscious ideal of the enterprise is good, but it is really difficult to practice. After all, the cost and price of extending the working hours of the enterprise are too low, and the benefits are huge. Should we count on the protection of employees on the kindness of capitalists?

Not only does Hong Kong have many excuses from the employers, but the government also retreats steadily, failing to become the protection and backing of wage earners, making Hong Kong's working hours protection equally questionable.

In 2012, the Labour Department announced a policy research report on standard working hours, and the Hong Kong government replaced standard working hours with "contracted working hours".

The current government has taken a step back and changed the guidelines for working hours. The 11 industries, including catering, construction, property management, and cleaning, are in doubt.

Huang Zheng: Founder of Pinduoduo (Internet Picture)

Labor is not a consumable for capitalists to accumulate money, but a wealth for the long-term and stable development of a society, and it is also a fresh life.

The government must correct the insufficiency of the labor market and grant laborers a practical guarantee of rights in order to build a healthy labor market, make society develop steadily, and show respect for human beings.

Harmonize labor leave and bank leave. The Labour Department must "consensus"

The British Labour Party advocates 32 hours of work. Is Luo Zhiguang from Hong Kong still pretending to sleep?

Reducing working hours will benefit more. The government should fully implement a five-day work week and standard working hours

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Overworked, multiple standard working hours, labor protection, labor holidays, labor laws, exploitation of labor 01 views