The Limited Times

Incest: "We all rub shoulders with victims and attackers without knowing it", defends Elisabeth Guigou

1/5/2021, 8:43:43 PM

Elisabeth Guigou, president of the brand new commission on incest and cited among relatives of Olivier Duhamel, accused of incest by his daughter-in-law Camille Kouchner, defended Tuesday to have been aware of these accusations, considering that "we all come into contact with victims and aggressors without knowing it". To read also: Olivier Duhamel accused of "incest": the prosecution opens a pre

Elisabeth Guigou, president of the brand new commission on incest and cited among relatives of Olivier Duhamel, accused of incest by his daughter-in-law Camille Kouchner, defended Tuesday to have been aware of these accusations, considering that

"we all come into contact with victims and aggressors without knowing it".

To read also: Olivier Duhamel accused of "incest": the prosecution opens a preliminary investigation

"I am no exception to the rule,"

the former Socialist Minister of Justice




“The silence for years of this family, which I know, shows us how courageous it takes for this taboo to be lifted,”

she said.


La Familia grande

, to be published Thursday by Editions du Seuil, Camille Kouchner, daughter of former minister Bernard Kouchner, reveals that her twin brother was the victim of incest by her stepfather, the political scientist Olivier Duhamel, when was 14 years old.

Elisabeth Guigou, who claims to have

"discovered this story in the press this week",

was close to the family.

“Personally, but also as chair of the incest commission, I wonder about the role that everyone must play so that children are not alone in the face of their aggressor, without recourse, without their voice being heard, without an answer being given to them at the right time, ”

adds this figure of the PS.

Since December 10, Elisabeth Guigou has been at the head of an independent commission on incest and all sexual violence against children, modeled on the model of the Sauvé Commission on sexual abuse in the church.

This body, whose mission is scheduled to last two years, must allow

"our society to move forward on this subject, its work must allow this change"

, she concludes.

In a video published Tuesday evening by the online media Loopsider, Elisabeth Guigou believes that

"we must salute the courage of Camille Kouchner"


“It's not easy”

years later

“to express that (...) especially when the silence has been there for so long”.

"I immediately sent him a message yesterday (Monday) evening to say to him" I imagine your suffering, that of your family and if you wish to express yourself in front of the commission, tell me "",

indicates the one who knew

"This family since the end of the 90s".

When she

"discovered that yesterday by reading the extracts (from the book) in the press",


"first thought"

of the former minister

"was for these children, these three children"

, she confides before continuing. :

“It's a crime.

There you go, it's a crime ”.

"We must manage to talk"

about incest,

"it is the object of the commission"

, because

"it is the condition so that the victims can rebuild themselves, so that they can share their burden. appalling ”


“ so that we can take care of the authors so that they do not start again ”

, explains Elisabeth Guigou.


to the

"feminist movements"


"said" we can no longer be silent on this, we can no longer have the slightest indulgence "",


"hopes that with this commission"


"create a dynamic of liberated speech, querying all institutions, society, individuals "

in order to

" prevent "


" tragedies "
