The Limited Times

Prime Minister of Scotland: Trump's visit is not welcome

1/5/2021, 8:49:37 PM

Edinburgh-SANA The Prime Minister of Scotland, Nicolas Sturgeon, said today that the visit of US President Donald Trump to


Today, the Prime Minister of Scotland, Nicolas Sturgeon, considered that US President Donald Trump's visit to two golf courses that he owns in Scotland is "unwelcome", noting that her boycott applies a closure due to the outbreak of Corona and is not allowed to visit it.

"I have no idea about Trump's visit plans except that I hope that his project in the near future is just leaving the White House," Agence France-Presse quoted Sturgeon as saying at a press conference: "At the moment we do not allow people to come to Scotland except for necessary visits after tightening." Closure measures since yesterday ”.

"This closure applies to Trump as it does to anyone else ... and coming to play golf is a reason I do not consider it necessary," Sturgen added.

And local media quoted a spokesman for Prestwick Airport in eastern Scotland as saying that airport officials had reported that a Boeing 757 plane used by Trump would arrive on the 19th of this month the day before to install his successor, Democratic-elect Joe Biden, as President of the United States.

Britain is one of the European countries most affected by Corona, with more than "75" thousand deaths, and the situation has worsened in recent weeks with the spread of a mutated version of the virus that is more infectious.

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