The Limited Times

Reconfinement in the United Kingdom: the complicated situation of the French in London

1/5/2021, 7:31:37 PM

The French having to make “essential trips” were authorized to cross the border provided they had a negative test for the coronavirus carried out on British territory less than 72 hours before boarding.

The French in England were preparing for the inconvenience caused by Brexit.

Alas, it is once again the coronavirus that has shaken everything up.

The outbreak of the epidemic and the appearance of the new variant in the United Kingdom have considerably complicated cross-Channel travel.

A puzzle that can turn into a nightmare for London expatriates.

When Europe became alarmed at the new strain of the virus that emerged in London and south-east England days before Christmas, the UK suddenly found itself cut off from the world for 48 hours .

Flights and trains from England have been temporarily banned.

And the British were banned from going abroad.

Then, the French and the British residing in France or in the European area in the long term, as well as those having to make “essential trips”, were authorized to cross the border.

Provided you have a negative test for the coronavirus.

Read also:

Covid-19: the United Kingdom at the time of a third confinement

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