The Limited Times

The Government now advances with the PASO despite the fact that the governors asked to cancel them

1/5/2021, 10:55:37 PM

The Ministry of the Interior published in the Official Gazette a statement to tender the vote count for the August primaries. Suspension loses momentum.

01/05/2021 19:24

  • Clarí

  • Politics

Updated 01/05/2021 19:24

The Government presented this Tuesday the preliminary draft of the list of bases and conditions

to tender the provisional recount of votes for the August primaries.

The initiative, promoted by the Ministry of the Interior led by Eduardo "Wado" De Pedro, was made official after its publication in the Official Gazette and marks a presumed change of official course.

With the gesture it seems to begin to demolish the project of suspension of the next STEP that had

the support of all the governors

except the Buenosairean head of Government Horacio Rodríguez Larreta.

In Congress, the bill to suspend the steps in an exceptional way in the framework of the coronavirus pandemic still appears in the folder for the extraordinary sessions of January.

The initiative had been promoted by the Government

and had the support of the governors who put together a letter of support for the move.

"The governors of the Argentine provinces demonstrate

for the suspension of the open,

mandatory and simultaneous


for the only time for the year 2021 by virtue of the emerging circumstances of the COVID 19 pandemic," said the provincial leaders.

"The responsibility to govern in times of pandemic requires measure, prudence and common sense," they added.

The letter was launched in early December after the signing of the fiscal consensus, but a month later the project is almost ruled out.

The opposition had criticized the measure and considered that it was a strategy to disperse the vote against the Government.

Alberto Fernández with the governors during the signing of the fiscal consensus.

After that meeting, they signed a letter in support of the suspension of the PASO.

But now it is in doubt that it will be discussed in Congress.

Especially due to the pressure of the ruling party.

La Cámpora, led by Máximo Kirchner, distanced himself from the suspension of the primaries because he considers that it can serve for the strategy they have in the province of Buenos Aires where they seek to become strong.

With the PASO, they could dispute internal to the current mayors of the PJ.

In that context,

even President Alberto Fernández tried to distance himself from the bill

and said that it was a matter for Congress.

He sought to curb internal differences.

The draft bill presented by the ruling party

 enables all those interested to participate in the vote count

so that they can make non-binding observations and suggestions.

The text establishes "a period of 10 calendar days" to carry out all the observations that are "considered relevant for an improvement in the bidding documents."

As indicated, once said procedure is completed, the specifications will be published and an international public tender will be called.