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Trump and the Battle for America's Character | Israel today

1/5/2021, 10:19:49 PM

| United States The elections for the Senate seats in Georgia will be answered tonight - will Biden also control the Senate? • Today: Congress counts the electors and announces a president Georgia - the star of the 2020 presidential election - has become the focus of political interest in the past two months. Trump held a mass rally in Georgia last month // Photo: Reuters The southern state, which has been red

The elections for the Senate seats in Georgia will be answered tonight - will Biden also control the Senate?

• Today: Congress counts the electors and announces a president

Georgia - the star of the 2020 presidential election - has become the focus of political interest in the past two months.

Trump held a mass rally in Georgia last month // Photo: Reuters

The southern state, which has been red-republican for decades, gave its vote to Joe Biden in the presidential election, and yesterday (Tuesday) Democrats hoped that for the first time in 20 years she would also elect a Democrat to the Senate.

But the Republicans are determined to put order back in place: to bring Georgia back into their lap, or at least to have a swaying-purple.

Great Tuesday was one of the most dramatic that America has known in its politics for a long time. 

Everywhere you go you can feel that something has fallen in the country: it seems that in the United States there have never been elections for Senate seats that had nationwide implications.

It can be said that for the first time local elections to the Senate are becoming elections on the character of all of America.

President Trump himself noted this at a rally he held Monday in northern Georgia, in an attempt to lead a wave of Republican momentum to the polls.

He asked the audience if they wanted to be a free country, as America should be, or if they wanted to be like Venezuela (more on the rally below). 

Jeff, whom I met in the city, thinks like many Georgia residents: It is impossible that this conservative state has turned blue.

He believes the Democrats will not be able to replicate Biden's success in yesterday's election to the state's two senate seats (if they win both - they control the Senate and then Biden is free to act as he pleases). 

"Obviously there were fakes"

Yesterday it seemed that Jeff was determined to prevent the theft of the election, in his view.

"It's clear there were fakes, it could not be that Trump increased his power in the electorate by 15 million compared to 2016 and lost," Jeff tells me, but adds that it will probably be difficult to prove it.

"It's hard to prove, and the question really arises - could it be that all the judges in all the states are corrupt and collaborated with the Democrats? There is no doubt to me and the people of Georgia that there were forgeries, and I hope this time the Republican voters go to the polls," he says.

The democratic victory was in fact a demographic victory.

That is, the changes in the country's population over the past few decades have gradually painted the country blue, making little difference in the presidential election.

But Jeff believes the people in his country are still more in favor of Trump, as can be felt on the street.

"You don't have to love the candidate but appreciate him. Trump was a president who helped all the shades in America today. He loves the United States. He worked solely for America."

Jeff insists Democrats are wrong if they think Biden's success can be replicated to bring in the election of John Usoff and Rafael Warnock in the election, replacing Republicans David Pardo and Kelly Leffler.

But he warns that corruption is still possible, and points to Stacey Abrams, who tried to run for governor and failed but has since recruited many voters from the African-American community.

Jeff says her sister-in-law rejected the anti-counterfeiting petitions in the state filed by Trump officials, and there is concern that this time, too, she and other judges related to Abrams will do the job for Democrats.

In general, people do not understand how Trump led in all the swing states, but lost the election, even considering the early voting that tends to the Democrats and comes late.

"Trump is not going anywhere. He will be much stronger and more significant, even if he does not try to run in 2024," Jeff concludes. 

Either way, for Trump the campaign for Georgia's two seats in the Senate - which will decide who controls the upper house of Congress - is also a battle for his personal legacy in the party.

The final chord of his tenure is the opening melody of Joe Biden's presidency, which hopes the November swing will lead to a dramatic win of two Senate seats in Georgia that will allow him almost complete freedom of action in advancing his party's agenda in Congress. 

"Amen and a woman" 

Trump's rallies were attended by thousands, in freezing cold, young and old, with babies and strollers, and lined up in long lines - only to see President Donald Trump, their rock star, arrive in the city of Dalton in northern Georgia. 

The president's son, Donald Trump Jr., warmed the crowd and actually admitted he was moving into politics from business.

He attacked what he called a "troll" of Democrats, who took advantage of Sunday's new House of Commons inauguration and turned it into an event with a politically correct agenda at unprecedented levels because they turned traditional prayer into "Amen and a woman."

The word "artist" has nothing to do with gender, "it's a word with a history of thousands of years, it's unrelated," Trump Jr. said, "it's like I'm in a restaurant to ask for the Womenu (menu and woman pun)," he joked. .

Therefore, "the importance of this vote is about the nature of America, about your churches and your schools," Trump Jr. said.

Trump, as in the presidential campaign, came this time to hold a huge rally that will excite the base and make a difference in the close battle over the two senates of the southern state.

In terms of audience Trump won.

"Stop the theft," they roared. Trump himself does not look like a man who intends to give up, and he knows that only today an elected president will be officially announced. He even said he hopes Vice President Mike Pence will use all his weight at the House of Commons to make sure The electorate will conclude by declaring him president-elect. 

Today, during the crucial session of Congress, the November elections will come to an end in one form or another.

Some Republicans in the Senate will do anything to get the process dragged on for hours in an attempt to disqualify electoral votes, and Trump will hold a rally in Washington at the same time.

At the end of the session, will the count end with him winning 270 electors?

He still hopes.

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