The Limited Times

Trump puts more pressure on Pence: falsely claims he can overturn Biden's win

1/5/2021, 10:52:48 PM

Trump wants the vice president to change the results this Wednesday when Congress meets to count the electoral votes that give Biden the victory. But the outgoing president is wrong: The Constitution doesn't give Pence that power.

One day before Congress certifies the results of the 2020 presidential election, Donald Trump

is putting more pressure on Vice President

Mike Pence by ensuring that he has the power to change the results, which is false.

"The vice president has the power to reject fraudulently chosen voters," the president tweeted Tuesday morning in

another desperate attempt to reverse an election he lost


Trump again questions the elections while in Georgia the second round is defined by two Senate seats that will determine which party controls this legislative chamber. 

Pence will lead a joint session of Congress on Wednesday to do

an official and final tally

of Electoral College


, the last step before Joe Biden's January 20 takeover.

Biden won with 306 electoral votes to Trump's 232. 

The electoral votes reflect the results at the polls, where a majority of the population also preferred Biden, so to

say that they are fraudulent is also false.

They demand to open an investigation into Trump for the call in which he asks Georgia to reverse Biden's victory

Jan. 5, 202101: 46

Mike Pence, in his dual role as Speaker of the Senate, will preside over the counting of votes in a ceremony in the plenary session of the House of Representatives.

Its work is limited to opening and presenting the electoral vote certificates for each of the 50 states.

But in fact, it's not even Pence who will count the votes - that role falls to four other previously selected members of the House and Senate.

[After three recounts confirming Biden's victory in Georgia, Trump repeats that he won "overwhelmingly"]

At the end of the count,

Pence must announce as the winner the candidate who received the required votes

to become president. 

The vice president is

constitutionally obligated to fulfill this duty

and it is not in his power to reject the electoral votes that have already been assigned.  

With 270 electoral votes required to make it to the White House, Biden has more than enough votes for Pence to announce him as the rightful president-elect at the end of Wednesday's count. 

Vice President Mike Pence must perform a ceremonial role at the congressional meeting to validate the electoral votes.


Some Republican congressmen have threatened to challenge certain electoral votes, which could lengthen the certification process by a few hours. 


the end result is not expected to change

as both houses of Congress would have to pass it and the House of Representatives is controlled by Biden's party, the Democrats, who have honored the legitimate election results.

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