The Limited Times

Weather in Germany: is winter coming with full force? Official warning of snow and slipperiness

1/5/2021, 10:47:00 PM

So far there has been little sign of winter wonderland in Germany. Now the German Meteorological Service warns of snow, slipperiness and frost.

So far there has been little sign of winter wonderland in Germany.

Now the German Meteorological Service warns of snow, slipperiness and frost.

  • The German Weather Service warns of gusts of wind and gusts of wind in East Frisia and on the Baltic Sea coast.

  • In large parts of Germany there is slipperiness, frost and light snowfall.

  • This ticker is continuously updated.

Munich - The

German Weather Service

has issued a

new warning


for Germany


To the delight of some Germans,

a white winter

could finally


in January

- other areas should prepare for

windy weather


Weather in Germany: wind and snow are to be expected

At the Western Pomeranian coast to


give also include

wind gusts

expected in East Friesland and the islands and on the Baltic coast.

In some areas there should be

light snowfall in the east and south

as well as light frost in the middle, west and south, in the evenings also widespread in the north.

Along warns



area wise smoothness

in the western and southern parts of the country.

At first there is only some

snow and snow showers

in some areas


During the

night from January 5th to 6th,

it spreads in the east and southeast, on Wednesday the snow then moves during the day to the central and western low mountain ranges and large parts of southern Germany.

In the north and east, sleet or rain is to be expected in some cases.


Wednesday noon or evening


a few centimeters of fresh snow

can be expected

below 200 m

in places


Up to 1 to 5 cm of fresh snow is expected in the layers above,

5 to 10 cm

in parts of the Alpine foothills and in

the Harz, and up to 15 cm in the east of the Harz.

Weather in Germany: Map shows frost, slipperiness and cold

The map of the

German Meteorological Service

shows with the

yellow marked areas

where slippery


, frost and snowfall can be expected.

At the top of the country,

marked orange,

there are gusts of wind and storms.


Weather in Germany, January 5, 6:35 p.m.

© Screenshot of the German Weather Service

The weather in Germany: In which cities it winds or snows

In the Bavarian capital of


, between January 6th, 6:00 am and January 7th, midnight, light


between 2 cm and 5 cm should come and be smooth.

Light snowfall can also be expected


Hanover, Erfurt, Dresden and Berlin

between January 6th and 7th.

In the areas around

Magdeburg, Saarbrücken, Mainz, Stuttgart, Bremen, Hamburg and Kiel


frost is

to be expected

in the night from Wednesday to Thursday

, and smoothness can also occur in areas.

In the areas of

Kiel, Lübeck, Bergen and Rostock


wind and storm gusts are

to be expected.

In the Bergen region, squalls occur at speeds

between 55 km / h and 70 km / h

from the northeast.

Storm gusts of up to 80 km / h must be expected in exposed locations.

In Kiel there are gusts of wind at speeds of

around 55 km / h

from the northeast.

In exposed locations, squalls of around 65 km / h must be expected.

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