The Limited Times

Biden: Time to turn the page on 4 years of Trump's rule

1/6/2021, 8:31:37 PM

WASHINGTON - SANA US President-elect Joe Biden confirmed that it is time to turn the page on four years of President Al-Man’s rule


US President-elect Joe Biden has confirmed that the time has come to turn the page on four years of outgoing President Donald Trump's rule.

The Russia Today website quoted Biden as saying in a statement he issued regarding the results of the congressional elections in Georgia state that after the last four years, the elections and the approval of the election results in Congress today, the time has come to turn the page ... the American people are asking for action and wanting their unity and I am more optimistic than any Time has passed in our ability to achieve these two goals.

Biden congratulated Democrat Raphael Warnock on winning a seat for the state in the Senate, expressing his hope that the other Democratic candidate, John Usoff, would also win in the struggle for another seat in the state in the House, which would allow his party to control the two chambers of Congress.

He stressed that the results of the Georgia elections send a message that the voters in this state want the authorities to take effective steps in order to deal with the crises facing the country, including the Corona pandemic, economic aid, climate change, racial justice, electoral rights, and others.

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