The Limited Times

Chaos in Washington: a coherent epilogue for a government that always defied the rules of democracy

1/6/2021, 10:58:43 PM

The scenes of violence around the Capitol are unprecedented and shameful in the United States. But they are not surprising.

Paula Lugones

01/06/2021 19:39

  • Clarí

  • World

Updated 01/06/2021 19:39

The unprecedented images of violent protesters marching in and climbing on the walls of Parliament, amid gas, rubber bullets and truth inside the compound, with an emergency evacuated vice president and desperate congressmen seeking refuge is such an



and embarrassing

that America will never forget.

This Wednesday is a shocking day, historically black for the world's leading power.

But it is not surprising: it is the most devastating and dramatically coherent epilogue for

a government that in four years has done everything to break institutions

and violate the rules of democracy.

Donald Trump could not end his cycle in any other way, because he fed this chaos all the time from the White House.

Trump, who has always boasted of being a


, desperately searched for all the gimmicks to not admit defeat on November 3 and denounced massive fraud without ever providing evidence.

His court battle was buried with the overwhelming denial in court of all his demands.

Even the conservative-majority Supreme Court, with three justices Trump nominated himself, turned its back on their demands.

Even so, he never conceded.

He squeezed congressmen, authorities in the states,

threatened them in public and in private.

It did not work either: except for a few, the majority supported the institutionality.

Meanwhile, Trump sought to keep alive among his followers the story that his election had been stolen, spilling

fake news

and lies on Twitter.

It called for marches to resist, encouraging far-right and violent militias and groups like the Proud Boys, who were seen happily strolling through Washington and participating in some skirmishes.

The tough clashes on Wednesday in front of Parliament, in Washington, caused a commotion in the United States and the entire world.

Photo: AFP

An alarming fact: despite the fact that fraud was totally ruled out by all means, more than 70% of Republicans believe that their election was stolen.

They are more than 50 million people.

For this reason, and to maintain his chances in the event of an eventual candidacy in 2024, the president continues to promote this unusual parallel reality.

But this Wednesday

Trump played his last



in Congress, which was to certify the inescapable triumph of Joe Biden, as the Electoral College had already done without surprises.

A small group of Republican senators were seeking to present a motion to audit results in some states, a move that would only hinder the ceremony because it had no chance of succeeding as a good portion of Republicans would support Biden's certification.

But Vice President Mike Pence told Trump what he didn't want to hear: There was no longer a chance to reverse anything.

The story ended, reality prevailed.

An unprecedented day of chaos in Washington.


Control of the Senate

In addition, the news from


was alarming for the Republican party.


the two Democratic senators



and therefore the national Senate would pass into the hands of Biden's party, who would govern with both houses in their favor.

In this framework of total defeat, Trump continued to harangue his followers and beat up Republicans who did not support him.

He even suggested that he accompany them on the march.

It was inescapable that fury broke out.

It took forever to call for calm.


the president ends his term with his stamp of chaos,

in the midst of a very serious attack on institutions and democracy.

He lost the popular vote and was also defeated in the Electoral College.

His party will become a minority in the Senate and must reassemble itself for a future without a personalist and disruptive leader like Trump.

The magnate today only takes refuge in his bases, who consider him a demigod, and who dare to storm Congress, in a postcard unpublished even in the Third World.

Biden will have to be a great tightrope walker to quell this violent flare that will surely continue, even when he is in the White House.

Washington, correspondent


Look also

Video: Donald Trump Asks Protesters to Leave Capitol Building While Insisting on Election "Theft"

The Democratic candidate wins the other seat in Georgia and the party secures control of the US Senate.