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Continuous update|Trump calls on supporters to go home immediately and die from female shot in Congress

1/6/2021, 11:46:49 PM

The U.S. Congress held a joint meeting on January 6 to certify the electoral votes in the general election. On the eve of the Congress meeting, President Donald Trump held a "Save America" ​​(Save America) outside the White House.

Instant International

Written by: Zhang Zijie

2021-01-07 01:12

The last update date: 2021-01-07 07:38

The U.S. Congress held a joint meeting on January 6 to certify the electoral votes in the general election.

On the eve of the Congress meeting, President Donald Trump held a "Save America" ​​rally outside the White House, again criticizing the unfair elections, threatening to give up and admit defeat.

His supporters then rushed into the parliament building, and the staff and members of the building had to be evacuated.

[0727] The former president of the Republican Party, George W. Bush, condemned the incident, describing the situation as distressing and saying that the Democratic United States should not have such electoral disputes.

He pointed out that the Congress was shocked because the enthusiasm of the people was affected by fallacies and extravagant hopes. He said that these uprisings caused great damage to the country and its reputation.

Trump supporter rushes to Congress, police witness woman was shot dead and someone was shot through face with rubber bullet

More pictures | Trump supporters rushed into Congress and fired tear gas, at least one shot dead

Washington Congress is shocked, Democrats initiate impeachment of Trump

[0722] Virginia declared a state of emergency, and Governor Ralph Northam ordered a curfew in the neighboring Washington cities of Arlington and Alexandria.

[0713] Trump once again posted a message on Twitter, saying, "These incidents happened because of a sacred and overwhelming election victory. They were so mercilessly and viciously deprived from the hands of great patriots. Treat it fairly for so long. Come home with love and peace. Always remember this day!"

These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2021

However, the post was immediately tagged by Twitter, describing the post as controversial about election fraud. Therefore, users are prohibited from replying, reposting or pressing likes on the grounds of possible violence.

[0706] The curfew in Washington took effect at 6 pm local time.

[0700] Facebook and YouTube said they have removed Trump's clip, which YouTube allegedly violated the rules for spreading election fraud.

Twitter prohibits users from pressing likes on Trump's urging supporters to go home.

[0649] The National Broadcasting Corporation quoted law enforcement sources as saying that the woman who was shot died of her injuries.

[0635] US officials said that the Washington Capitol is safe. The head of Washington police said that at least 13 people were arrested and at least 5 weapons were seized. He described the incident as a "riot" (riot).

[0631] Trump supporters have gathered outside the state legislature from all over the country. Among them, the Utah and New Mexico state governments have evacuated people in the state legislature buildings.

[0559] Muslim female parliamentarian Ilhan Omar said on Twitter that she is preparing for the impeachment clause and believes that the House of Representatives should pass the impeachment and that the Senate will drive the other party to Taiwan.

She believes that Trump should no longer be in power, referring to the protection of the country and fulfilling the oath.

I am drawing up Articles of Impeachment.

Donald J. Trump should be impeached by the House of Representatives & removed from office by the United States Senate.

We can't allow him to remain in office, it's a matter of preserving our Republic and we need to fulfill our oath.

— Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) January 6, 2021

[0517] Trump made a speech on Twitter, demanding that the demonstrators should leave immediately, saying that everyone needs peace and abiding by the law, but he insisted on election fraud.

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2021

[0510] British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said he was ashamed of the situation in the U.S. Congress, referring to the U.S.'s fight for democracy for the world and that Washington should carry out the transfer of power in a peaceful and orderly manner.

[0506] Biden made a national television speech, describing that the United States had encountered an "unprecedented attack" and demanded that Trump appear immediately, abide by his oath, and prevent the situation from deteriorating.

[0504] CNN reported that all National Guards in Washington are on standby.

[0455] Democratic House Speaker Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer called on Trump to require all demonstrators to leave Congress immediately.

Schumer also believes that Trump's call for public restraint is "a bit late."

After a woman was shot and injured in the Parliament building, she was sent to hospital by ambulance personnel.

(Screenshot of MSNBC)

[0454] CNN stated that multiple police officers were injured and at least one person had to be sent to hospital.

[0453] The "New York Times" stated that explosives were found at the Republican Party headquarters, but they had been dismantled.

[0450] NATO Secretary-General Stoltenberg (Jens Stoltenberg) was shocked by the situation in Washington, saying that all parties should respect the election results.

[0443] The National Broadcasting Corporation (NBC) reported that a law enforcement officer shot and wounded one person in the Capitol, but did not disclose the injuries.

[0441] Pence called on demonstrators in Congress to stop violent behavior, saying that the people involved would be prosecuted, and urged them to leave immediately.

[0438] A White House spokesperson stated that Trump ordered the National Guard and federal law enforcement personnel to be dispatched to Congress.

[0426] Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is worried about the situation in Washington, saying that the Ottawa government will pay close attention to the incident, describing that the US system is stable and hopes to return to normal as soon as possible.

[0425] CNN stated that a woman in Congress was shot in the chest and is currently in serious condition.

[0420] Many of Trump’s current and former aides have called on supporters to be rational. Alyssa Farah, the former director of the White House’s strategic communications department, asked Trump to condemn the incident, saying that they would only listen to each other’s words, so he should be The national vision expresses its position; former White House chief of staff Mick Mulvaney hopes Trump can immediately intervene to stop the incident; Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani said on Twitter that the demonstrators were “challenging to defraud the election results. Patriots”, but emphasized that Trump hopes that everyone can express their opinions peacefully.

[0415] Reuters reported that the Speaker of the House of Representatives Pelosi (Nancy Pelosi) has evacuated to a safe place.

[0411] Fox News interviewed Kevin McCarthy, leader of the Republican House of Representatives by telephone. He stated that he is currently protected by the police and that gunshots were heard on the radio channel 10 to 15 minutes ago.

McCarthy also said that he had contacted Trump and called on the demonstrators to calm down. Trump then urged the demonstrators to be peaceful and law-abiding on Twitter.

I am asking for everyone at the US Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, WE are the Party of Law & Order – respect the Law and our great men and women in Blue. Thank you!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2021

Trump supporters are approaching the House of Representatives, and police officers are on guard.


[0402] The Washington Post stated that the Department of Defense rejected Washington’s request to send the National Guard to Congress.

Trump supporters broke through the police line and entered the Capitol.


[0345] Trump left a message on Twitter, calling on his supporters to demonstrate peacefully. He also said that everyone supported the congressional police and law enforcement agencies, describing them on the same line as the country.

Please support our Capitol Police and Law Enforcement. They are truly on the side of our Country. Stay peaceful!

— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) January 6, 2021

[0341] A reporter from the Washington Post said on Twitter that militia personnel had gathered outside the Georgia State Capitol, and the top officials including Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger had evacuated to a safe place.

Trump supporters approached Congress, and the police set up a cordon to stop it.


[0337] In response to the demonstration, the Mayor of Washington ordered a curfew at 6 pm local time. The police also called on members of Congress to prepare gas masks for use at any time.


In response to Trump's call, a large number of people gathered outside the White House in Washington, including many members of far-right organizations. Some people who participated in the rally expressed the hope that Vice President Mike Pence could refuse to authenticate the electoral votes.

Even though the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) epidemic in the United States continues to be severe, many people attending the rally did not wear masks or maintain social distancing.

One of the members of the assembly told the Associated Press that she opposed the closure of the city to fight the epidemic, and said that she did not believe that anyone had died because of the epidemic.

Trump supporters went to Washington to participate in the rally, and the supporters’ bags were printed.

Don’t authenticate".


Facing the influx of Trump supporters, Washington law enforcement agencies did not dare to neglect, dispatched a large number of police officers to maintain order, and on the 4th arrested the leader of the ultra-right Proud Boys Henry Tarrio (Henry Tarrio), the court also ordered the other side on the 5th It is forbidden to set foot in Washington.

On the eve of the rally, some Trump supporters attempted to approach the "Black Lives Matter Plaza" near the White House on the night of the 5th, but they were dispersed by riot police officers using pepper spray and other equipment.

In addition, the National Guard and federal agents are also on duty in accordance with the requirements of the Mayor of Washington.

However, although law enforcement authorities have strengthened their guards, there are still a large number of Trump supporters breaking through the police defenses. The CNN segment shows that some demonstrators rushed into the Capitol.

The authorities immediately closed the Congress, and the ongoing electoral vote was forced to suspend.

Staff, members and reporters in Congress need to take shelter in a safe place, and Pence has also left the Senate.

In response to the demonstration, the Mayor of Washington ordered a curfew at 6 pm local time. The police also called on members of Congress to prepare gas masks for use at any time.




Trump supporter rushes to Congress, police witness woman was shot dead and someone was shot through face with rubber bullet

More pictures | Trump supporters rushed into Congress and fired tear gas, at least one shot dead

US election.

Newsroom|United States Constitution: Pence has no power to overturn electoral votes


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