The Limited Times

Luc Ferry: "The disillusions of progress"

1/6/2021, 8:22:49 PM

CHRONICLE - Undoubtedly, the world today is less bad than in the 1930s, and even the 1950s. That, however, globalization is happy is factually false for a majority of our citizens.

One of the effects of the pandemic will have been to relaunch once again the old debate between "progressophobes" and "progressophiles", between those who think that liberal globalization is responsible for all our ills and those who, on the contrary, hold that it is. it is she who gets us out of it, she who, for example, allowed us to develop a vaccine in less than a year.

But be careful, if you try to adopt a somewhat moderate position on this subject, you will pass for the happy fool of service.

To read also:

Luc Ferry: “A saving globalization?”

If I say that certain things are worse (the rise of Islamism, the atomization of the social, the drop in the educational level, the loss of sovereignty of States, the decline of civility and the relationship to the common good, the rise of violence ...) but that others, on the other hand, are better (the collapse of communism and Nazism, the end of the wars in the European Union, progress in the fight against cancer, women's rights, the level and life expectancy, in short, a lot of things anyway),

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