The Limited Times

Moderna: arrival of second vaccine reduces risk of shortage in Europe

1/6/2021, 8:22:43 PM

The American biotech vaccine received the green light from the European Medicines Agency on Wednesday.

The European Union finally has a second vaccine.

Two weeks after giving the green light to Pfizer / BioNTech, the European Medicines Agency (EMA) approved the vaccine from the American biotech Moderna, already licensed in the United States, Israel and Canada.

This vaccine provides us with another tool to overcome the current emergency

,” says EMA Director General Emer Cooke.

"A second vaccine available is a second source of supply, and therefore a rise in vaccination,"

tweeted Agnès Pannier-Runacher, Minister of Industry, who was at the heart of discussions with laboratories .

Read also:

Covid: is France at risk of a vaccine shortage?

The authorization given to Moderna's vaccine, which has an efficacy rate of 94.1% against Covid-19, should help ease the pressure on Member States, strongly criticized for the slowness of vaccination.

Especially since this vaccine has the advantage of having to be stored at - 20 ° C, the temperature of a conventional freezer, and not at - 70

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