The Limited Times

Secularism at the heart of the separatism bill

1/6/2021, 8:28:37 PM

The commission received Jean-Louis Bianco, the president of the Observatory of secularism, accused of downplaying Islamist propaganda at school.

The news is behind the work of the special commission on the bill "reinforcing respect for the principles of the Republic", a former project against Islamist separatism.

On Monday, she resumed her debates while the teachers of a college in Lyon went on strike in support of a professor accused of Islamophobic remarks and verbally assaulted by a student's parent after a class.

Read also:

Secularism: A teacher changes establishment after being verbally assaulted

Wednesday morning, while the committee heard from the president of the Observatory of secularism, Jean-Louis Bianco, and its general rapporteur, Nicolas Cadène, we learned of an Ifop investigation carried out for the Jean-Jaurès Foundation and Charlie Hebdo: 49% of secondary school teachers questioned have already self-censored in their teaching around religious issues and 27% do so regularly or very regularly;

19% of teachers questioned (34% in priority neighborhoods) observed at least one protest or disapproval during the tributes to Samuel Paty

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