The Limited Times

Strategy Formulation Stage: Struggling for Small Party Voices | Israel today

1/6/2021, 9:56:00 PM

| political The Prime Minister's entourage estimates that the Likud-Haredim bloc, together with Bennett, will reach 58 seats. • The conclusion: the road to victory is full of trifles that this time must not be taken lightly. The prime minister started the election campaign before formulating a clear strategy for victory. He did not want the election on time, but asked for it to be postponed. The mines he had

The Prime Minister's entourage estimates that the Likud-Haredim bloc, together with Bennett, will reach 58 seats. • The conclusion: the road to victory is full of trifles that this time must not be taken lightly.

The prime minister started the election campaign before formulating a clear strategy for victory.

He did not want the election on time, but asked for it to be postponed.

The mines he had to neutralize he foresaw.

While all the rest are already being edited, decorating their lists with new characters and releasing videos, Netanyahu, for now, is mostly trailing.

Partial lock to fill, and from the corona to legal matters.

He's still up front, but not in the things he would like.

The political agenda is confused.

Sanitary and economic - not at all.

And he has one address.

Photo: Roi Avraham - GPO

Netanyahu is waiting for the moment when everything will turn upside down.

That the quarantine will end, that the trial will somehow be postponed, and that Israel will celebrate a global achievement of getting out of the corona.

The public has a short memory.

He will remember the bumps in the road, but probably the picture of victory, that press conference, at which Netanyahu will announce the end of the Corona chapter in the life of the State of Israel, will win everything.

That is at least his hope.

A new peace agreement is also on the table.

Fifth in number, after the UAE, Sudan, Bahrain and Morocco.

This agreement will fit exactly with one of the main messages in Netanyahu's campaign: Israel has property.

Political property.

He is the one who took care of the vaccines.

He is the one who brought peace agreements.

Going for another candidate just because of side considerations, will be an adventure that Israel does not need right now.

According to senior Likud officials, if all goes well, Netanyahu may end up with more than thirty seats.

From an initial analysis of the many changes that the political system has undergone in recent weeks, Netanyahu has reached the following conclusions: The Likud-Haredim bloc, together with Naftali Bennett, reaches 58-57 seats, similar to the truth results in the last three elections.

That is, Gideon Saar does not take votes from the right-wing bloc but from the left-wing bloc.

Netanyahu will not be able to drag the country into another election this time if there is no decision again, for two reasons: First, if Bnei Gantz is elected to the next Knesset, he will be prime minister in November, the date of rotation under the law.

Second, this time, unlike previous times, there is also an estimate that every anti-Netanyahu bloc, from Gideon Saar to the joint list, will do one hand to remove him from power once and for all.

In any situation.

any way.

Whether by forming a patchwork coalition or by personal legislation.

But sometimes the things that make up a victory are trifles that should not be taken lightly.

When the battle between the camps is close again, one has to look at the bottom of the table and see what is going on there.

The full column tomorrow in "Israel this week".