The Limited Times

The education system is closing again Israel today

1/7/2021, 9:56:30 PM

| Education In the framework of education, the teachers and kindergarten teachers said goodbye to the children. • The teacher Miri and the children dressed up: "For more security, we decided to celebrate Purim" • In the Histadrut, the teachers threaten: Goodbye to the teacher and the kindergarten: The students of the education system stay at home this morning (Friday), with the closure of the education syste

In the framework of education, the teachers and kindergarten teachers said goodbye to the children. • The teacher Miri and the children dressed up: "For more security, we decided to celebrate Purim" • In the Histadrut, the teachers threaten:

Goodbye to the teacher and the kindergarten: The

students of the education system stay at home this morning (Friday), with the closure of the education system for the third time since the outbreak of the crisis. 

The Constitution Committee approved the tightened closure regulations // Photo: Knesset Channel

The closure will last for at least two weeks and will not miss any age group - from day care centers, kindergartens, elementary schools to high schools - everyone will stay to study from home.

Excluded from quarantine: special education students and youth at risk.

Against the background of the government's decision to exclude special education studies, studies at these educational institutions will take place five days a week, every day until 14:00.

However, this is not a full school day.

The school day is shortened to alleviate the burden placed on the teaching staff of special education - who claim to be afraid to work in closure.

Yesterday, the kindergarten teachers and teachers said goodbye to the students, hoping to meet again soon. 

My teacher Miri Magen Dalia in Givatayim said: "On the last day in the kindergarten before the closure we chose to have a party and to add to that it was a Purim party. We took out the costume and sent the parents a funny picture under the heading ' The children were asked why they think there is a closure. Itai replied: In order to beat the corona, Lia said: to keep us and grandparents. "Returning from any closure is accompanied by difficulties of adjustment and separation. I hope that the education system, at least in early childhood, will return to addressing children."

The closure will fatally harm students in the education system and will again lead to educational gaps and harm to the social aspect, and even distance learning is disputed between the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Education. 

Priority in vaccines 

Yesterday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Bnei Gantz announced that teaching staff will be given priority in vaccinations.

This is very important news for them, but it is not yet clear when this will really happen and in how long it will be possible to vaccinate all the teaching staff of the education system.

As you may recall, last week the teachers' union announced a labor dispute in which they demand the immediate vaccination of all teaching staff, especially those in special education, and said that if there is no solution by Tuesday, they will suspend studies.

"As long as the teaching staff are not actually vaccinated, the labor dispute remains in effect. When all the teaching staff are vaccinated, we will be blessed with the implementation and not the decision. Distance learning continues as usual," the teachers' union said.

The principals of the schools and educational institutions for at-risk youth and special education who continue to work, claimed yesterday that they are being left completely exposed while the whole country is in closure.

According to Sigal Moran, executive director of the education organization Branco Weiss, which operates 14 extreme schools for at-risk youth across the country: "In the first closure we were partners in the struggle to exclude schools for at-risk youth and Shahar classes so they continue to operate Day, and we succeeded.

"I call on the Ministry of Health to vaccinate in the most urgent and immediate manner the education teams that continue to operate in closure in institutions for at-risk youth and special education. Do not abandon them!"

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