The Limited Times

Wanted: FBI and Washington police call for help in arresting those who attacked the Capitol

1/7/2021, 9:13:56 PM

The security forces issued an alert with photos. They offer up to a thousand dollars in exchange for information that helps find the fugitives.

01/07/2021 15:30

  • Clarí

  • World

Updated 01/07/2021 15:30

A day after the assault on the Capitol by supporters of outgoing President Donald Trump, the FBI and the Washington DC Police are searching for the culprits.

This Thursday, both forces issued alerts with photos of the invaders and asked for help to identify them.

The FBI Field Office in Washington posted on its official Twitter account that it is seeking information to "help identify the people who are actively instigating violence in Washington DC."

To receive any type of information in this regard, he put a form online.

But further it was the Washington DC Metropolitan Police that published a file on its official page and on social networks with

a series of screenshots and photos

that were taken this Wednesday in the assault.

With the "wanted" sign, the leaders of the revolt appear, who were shown in front of the cameras without problems.

Among them is Jake Angeli, an actor from Arizona, who led the way with a fur hat and horns.

Images released by the Washington DC police to identify those accused of taking the Capitol.

The police department warned that it will give "

up to US $ 1,000 to those who provide information that helps identify

" those people.

In turn, it asks that "anyone who can identify these people or who has knowledge of any of these incidents should not take any action, but should call the police."

The events took place on Wednesday afternoon, in the US capital, when protesters who supported the Trump administration entered the Capitol to try to stop Congress, which was trying to certify the victory of Joe Biden in the elections last November.

In the attack on the building there were four deaths.

In addition, at least 14 police officers were injured, local authorities said late in the day on Wednesday, who also reported at least 52 arrests, of which about 30 were for violations of the curfew imposed by the Mayor of Washington from 18 hours.

Images released by the Washington DC police to identify those accused of taking the Capitol.

In addition, the authorities found and deactivated two homemade bombs in the vicinity of the headquarters of the national committees (secretariats) of the Democratic and Republican parties (DNC and RNC, respectively).

They also found a vehicle on the Capitol grounds where there was a rifle and up to 10 Molotov cocktails,




Washington authorities had initially reported the death of a woman, who died as a result of the shooting by Capitol Police.

At night they provided details about the circumstances in which he died and, in addition, updated the death toll.

Images released by the Washington DC police to identify those accused of taking the Capitol.

The protests of the ultra-nationalist and supremacist armed groups grew throughout the day and were approaching the Capitol, until after several struggles with the Police they managed to break the security fence and completely take over the steps and the entrance to the seat of Power Legislative.

Then, the images that traveled the world, with several of the protesters in the offices, bullfights, beatings and death within the same building.


Look also

United States: Chronicle of a violent afternoon in the attack on the Capitol

Attack on Capitol: Senate Democratic Leader Demands Donald Trump's Cabinet To Remove Him

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