The Limited Times

Corona mutation B117 arrived in Bavaria: Fatal memories are awakened - experts speak of a new pandemic

1/8/2021, 9:02:02 AM

The corona mutation B117 is not only spreading in Great Britain. Germany is also affected. Experts are sounding the alarm and this time calling for faster reactions.

The corona mutation B117 is not only spreading in Great Britain.

Germany is also affected.

Experts are sounding the alarm and this time calling for faster reactions.

Munich / London - The news comes in droplets, in

Corona times *

you suspect that this dose can also be dangerous.

A first case of the

corona mutation B117 * appeared

in Bavaria, the state government reported on Wednesday.

A second case, the authorities added on Thursday.

A third is still being examined in the laboratory.

Quarantine was


in all cases


But that is fatally reminiscent of Corona a year ago: one, two, three - and then thousands.

Since at least November,

virologists have been


that the rest of Europe is underestimating the British mutation B117.

First in London, then in all parts of the country, the

corona numbers have

skyrocketed since the mutation prevailed.

Over 60,000 cases

are currently



, plus

four-digit deaths

, and the public health service sounded the alarm on Thursday about lack of beds.

Corona mutation also detected in Bavaria: significantly more contagious than the original virus

The mutation is considered

50 to 70 percent more contagious *


There are significantly more transmissions,

especially among

young people

, warned a British group of experts advising the government.

B117 is not more deadly than the dominant variant in Europe, and at least the

Biontech vaccine is

also effective


But this leads to a

dangerous underestimation of

the mutated virus.

Calculated over a month, a 50 percent more contagious coronavirus costs over

ten times more additional human lives

than an equally contagious virus that is 50 percent more deadly.

That sounds strange - but it is pure mathematics, a British epidemiologist presented in a

model calculation



A new intruder in Bavaria: Prime Minister Markus Söder now also has to deal with the Corona variant B117.

© Michael Kappeler / afp

Corona mutation in Bavaria: Söder has "great concern" - Merkel sees "new and special situation"

This has slowly spread into the political debate.

On Tuesday,

Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU)


offensively with B117 to justify the

tightened lockdown


"This mutated virus is very worrying because it is more aggressive in spreading." The country could face a lot.

Chancellor Angela Merkel * (CDU)

said she now sees a "new and special situation".

The hope that B117 would

not come to Europe

because of the

largely closed borders

with Great Britain is deceptive.


is now feeling the effects of this: there were almost 100 such cases, and the trend is growing exponentially.

In the course of February, the new variant could dominate, warn researchers.

Denmark tightened its lockdown again.

Corona mutation in Bavaria: Virologist recommends a strict lockdown

The German

virologist Isabella Eckerle

warns in increasingly dramatic words in interviews and social networks that B117 is underestimated.


danger posed by the new virus variant *

is not being taken seriously, we are again waiting until it is too late and again ignoring the voice of science." A glance at Great Britain "should be enough to see what we are slipping towards".

She advises the strictest

possible lockdown


Two Munich experts also recommend



"With the more contagious mutant, a

new pandemic


" write LMU risk researchers Nikil Mukerji and Adriano Mannino in the



B117 has very likely already spread.

The more important a

quick vaccination is

, the more dangerous the

European procurement policy


Buying too many or ineffective vaccines is "a bargain in relation to the hundreds of thousands of deaths, millions of long-term injuries and trillions of economic value" in Europe.

(cd) * is part of the nationwide Ippen-Digital editors network

List of rubric lists: © Michael Kappeler / afp

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