The Limited Times

Covid: Cav, moral duty to rethink healthcare with Recovery and Mes

1/8/2021, 3:16:50 PM

"The pandemic has highlighted the fragility of the Italian health system strongly weakened by years of defining and poor management that prevented the training and hiring of an adequate number of doctors and nurses" he started from this ... (ANSA)

(ANSA) - MILAN, 08 JAN - "The pandemic has highlighted the fragility of the Italian health system, severely weakened by years of defining and poor management that prevented training and hiring an adequate number of doctors and nurses" started by this Silvio Berlusconi in a note to announce that "Fi will prepare a proposal to strengthen the Italian health system to be presented to the Chambers to make it available to the country. We have a moral duty to rethink, strengthen and relaunch the Italian health system also by exploiting the important resources that will arrive with the Recovery and hopefully with the Mes ".
