The Limited Times

Covid-19: first case of English variant identified in Russia

1/10/2021, 6:04:51 PM

The new variant of Covid-19 detected in the United Kingdom was discovered in Russia in a person returning from this country, the head of the Russian health agency Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova said on Sunday. Read also: Covid: will the vaccines be effective against the British and South African variants? This case, confirmed by Mr. Popova on the public television channel Rossiïa-1, cited by Russia

The new variant of Covid-19 detected in the United Kingdom was discovered in Russia in a person returning from this country, the head of the Russian health agency Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova said on Sunday.

Read also: Covid: will the vaccines be effective against the British and South African variants?

This case, confirmed by Mr. Popova on the public television channel Rossiïa-1, cited by Russian news agencies, was brought to light in the context of an investigation carried out among Russians who had returned from the United Kingdom.

The novel variant of the coronavirus recently discovered in the UK could be 50% to 74% more contagious than other existing strains, experts say.

Following its appearance, some fifty states have suspended arrivals of travelers from this country in recent weeks.

Russia had suspended its air links with the United Kingdom on December 21.

The British variant has already been found in several countries, such as China, Canada, the United States, Portugal, France, Jordan, South Korea and Chile.

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