The Limited Times

In the South, everyday delinquency monopolizes the gendarmes

1/10/2021, 6:23:32 PM

STORY - Refusal to comply, threats, domestic violence, settling of scores linked to drug trafficking… They are faced with an increasingly irascible population.

In Nice


Here, refusals to comply are almost daily."

For Colonel Alexandre Malo, who commands, at 44, the 913 gendarmes of the Var, the observation is clear.

Since 2018, its men, who cover 89% of the territory of this department, or some 480,000 inhabitants, are

"more and more regularly confronted with acts of violence"

against them.

These result in refusals to comply on the part of drivers during checks, but also in insults, threats or rebellions during interventions.

Read also:

Chronicle of 72 hours of ordinary violence in France: the shocking document

At the national level, in the gendarmerie zone, a refusal to comply is recorded every 45 minutes.

In July, the Draguignan court sentenced a driver without a license or insurance to twenty-four months in prison for such acts.

"After a traffic violation, he refused to stop, passed vehicles in blind bends, almost ran over a gendarme and ended his race in a dead end,"

says Colonel Malo.

The situation is

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