The Limited Times

K prisoners who want to be released accumulate serious crimes: money laundering, violence and corruption

1/10/2021, 8:28:40 PM

In addition to Boudou, Milagro Sala, Luis D'Elía and Julio de Vido, among others, join. All with sensitive files.

01/10/2021 2:41 PM

  • Clarí

  • Politics

Updated 01/10/2021 2:41 PM

The pressure of the so-called K prisoners to be released began to multiply with the start of the new year.

After the confirmation of Amado Boudou's conviction by the Supreme Court, different sectors linked to the ruling party came out to ask for restraints and pardons for the detainees.

And now a request published in the official media was added in which they ask for the "freedom of Amado Boudou and of all political prisoners."

But the truth is that the vast majority of former K officials, leaders and businessmen who are detained were investigated and even convicted in serious cases that include the figures

of money laundering, illicit enrichment, illicit association, violence

and other crimes related to the corruption.

The case of former Vice President Boudou is the clearest.

In an oral trial, he was sentenced to five years and 10 months in prison for having taken 70 percent of the shares of the banknote machine, the Ciccone Calcográfica company, along with a group of friends and front men.

The confirmation of his sentence left him in a terrible situation to get her freedom.

Although he is still under house arrest, Judge Daniel Obligado determined on the last business day of 2020 that he must return to prison.

His defense will appeal and the situation will be resolved after the judicial fair.

In addition to the Ciccone case, Boudou is investigated for alleged illicit enrichment and laundering.

In the framework of this case, he was detained with a preventive prison at the end of 2017.

The request signed by former presidents, K officials, prisoners and actors in support of the "freedom" of Amado Boudou and other detainees for corruption.

Milagro Sala,

for whom they have also been asking for pardons and freedom,

has several open cases and convictions in different oral trials.

She has been detained with house arrest since 2016 and had been sentenced to three years in prison in suspense for an escrache that included damages against the then Senator and current governor of Jujuy Gerardo Morales.

She had been acquitted for threats, but a recent ruling by the Chamber of Cassation further complicated her situation: it reversed a ruling that had considered the crime of threats by the leader of the Tupac Amaru extinguished and ordered the Justice of that province to rule again about that crime.

Lázaro Báez, Julio De Vido and Cristina Kirchnein the Vialidad trial.

Sala was also sentenced to 13 years in prison in the case known as "Pibes Villeros" for being the head of an illicit association that was in charge of a fraud to the detriment of the public administration.

She was also convicted of extortion.

There are more cases of K prisoners who have complicated causes on their backs.

Former piquetero Luis D'Elía, one of the organizers of the march

"A Christmas without political prisoners", was sentenced to 3 years and nine months in prison

for taking over a police station in 2004. Last August, the Court The Supreme Court ratified that it should comply with that sentence.

Today he is under house arrest, a benefit he made, like Boudou, in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

The case of the former Minister of Planning, Julio De Vido, is also emblematic.

It has multiple causes linked to acts of corruption.

He is prosecuted in the file of the bribery notebooks for being part of the illicit association that collected bribes, he faces the oral trial for corruption in public works together with Cristina Kirchner and is prosecuted in the case that investigates misconduct in the mine of Río Turbio, among other cases.

For this last file he was detained with a preventive, then he obtained the benefit of the domiciliary and last March he was finally released.

Now he could return to prison after the Chamber of Cassation confirmed the sentence to five years and eight months in prison for the tragedy of Once.

Julio De Vido with his wife Alessandra Minnicelli.

Also on the list are the former Kirchnerism Minister of Transportation, Ricardo Jaime and Juan Pablo Schiavi.

Jaime accepted that he received gifts, was investigated for illicit enrichment, is prosecuted for the irregular purchase of junk trains from Spain and Portugal, in the case of bribery notebooks, and in his years of splendor he accumulated a wealth difficult to explain.

He had a yacht, luxury properties in the City and Córdoba, and even an inn in Brazil, among other businesses.

He is still detained in the Ezeiza prison with preventive measures.

Lázaro Báez,

businessman K who was a close friend of Néstor Kirchner, is also besieged by Justice.

Today he faces two oral trials, one of corruption in public works - which investigates the millionaire contracts that were handed over to him without control - and that of the Route of Money K where they accuse him of having laundered at least 60 million dollars.

This trial will restart the hearings in February after the judicial fair and will have a sentence.

Today, Báez is still being held under house arrest in a secret place.

After the scandal that caused them to grant him the benefit in the midst of the pandemic that included protests by neighbors in the country Ayres del Pilar-, Justice ordered to keep the place of detention under reservation.

Báez's situation is slightly different from that of other alleged "political prisoners" according to the K speech. Although he was close to Kirchner and did business with his family, voices of the ruling party do not usually appear asking for the mitigation of his sentence. 

Look also

K increases pressure for Alberto Fernández to pardon those accused of corruption

Alberto Fernández defended Amado Boudou, criticized the Supreme Court and spoke of "reaching out to Justice"