The Limited Times

Oktoberfest only for vaccinated people? CSU politician presents elaborate corona concept - Wiesn boss goes on the offensive

1/13/2021, 9:46:53 AM

Can Oktoberfest 2021 take place despite Corona? A CSU member of the Bundestag has already thought about it in detail.

Can Oktoberfest 2021 take place despite Corona?

A CSU member of the Bundestag has already thought about it in detail.

  • A decision on whether to hold this year's Oktoberfest should be made by June 2021 at the latest.

  • Wiesn boss Clemens Baumgärtner has made an optimistic forecast.

  • The CSU member of the Bundestag Stephan Pilsinger brings an Oktoberfest into play only for vaccinated people.

Munich -

Clemens Baumgärtner

left no doubts.

"We assume that there will be an


this year

," the

Oktoberfest boss

told the radio station

Charivari 95.5


It is the combination of

corona vaccine

, falling


and "also emerging

treatment options

" that make him confident, the

economic advisor for


city ​​of Munich *


Oktoberfest 2021 despite Corona?

Wiesn boss firmly believes in implementation

Lord Mayor Dieter Reiter (SPD) *

had announced that he would decide whether to hold the Oktoberfest by the beginning of June at the latest.

Until then, after the cancellation in 2020 *, people want to be prepared for an

event as


, says Baumgärtner: "That has a crazy lead time, it is also a very well-organized event that cannot simply be stamped out of the ground".

The search for the poster for the Oktoberfest 2021 has already started online.

Does it have to set up a

"Wiesn light"

if necessary


Baumgärtner - similar to Reiter * - is not very open-minded on this point: a slimmed-down version would damage the image of the world's largest festival too much.

What the Wiesn boss does not want to rule out: Access to the festival area could be


to a negative

corona rapid



In Munich, economic advisor Clemens Baumgärtner is responsible for the most famous folk festival in the world.

© dpa

Another Corona-Aus for Oktoberfest?

CSU politician: "Can only be imagined with a sophisticated concept"


CSU member of the Bundestag Stephan Pilsinger

is already thinking about how to design an Oktoberfest during



In an interview with the


, the 33-year-old doctor said: “From a health policy perspective, I am convinced that this can only be


with a sophisticated

hygiene and protection


This must include, among other things, that only "registered, 

Covid-19 *

 vaccinated and currently tested people who do not come from a

risk area


allowed to participate in




Previously, according Pilsinger some are

basic requirements

is essential.

All risk groups would have to be vaccinated before the start of the Oktoberfest, and all those who would like to be vaccinated would have to be granted easy access to the vaccine by then.

And: "As

last summer and early autumn, the


must be low".

Oktoberfest 2021 only for vaccinated people?

Söder does not want to make a forecast yet

Pilsinger advocates a decentralized

accreditation system

with which visitors could be recorded for specified periods of time: "There it must be checked whether the

vaccination has been

carried out, a current corona-negative

test result

is available and whether the person comes from a risk area".

At the entrances controls comparable to a football stadium are conceivable.

At his press conference on Tuesday (January 12),

Bavaria's Prime Minister Markus Söder

was also


about the Oktoberfest 2021 *.

A date will certainly take place, that will be the 

federal election 

, "we will see everything else", the CSU politician was not able to





(lks) * is part of the Ippen-Digital network.

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