The Limited Times

Duhamel case: the Minister of Higher Education launches an inspection at Sciences Po

1/15/2021, 10:01:55 PM

At the beginning of the week, a mission will go there to establish “any flaws in the organization of governance”. The school principal, Frédéric Mion, was aware of the rumors.

La familia grande

, the book in which Camille Kouchner denounces the rape of her twin brother in the 80s by their stepfather, the political scientist Olivier Duhamel, will he make heads fall at Sciences Po?

In view of the repercussions of the case, which led to the recent resignation of Elisabeth Guigou from the commission on incest, the Minister of Higher Education, Frédérique Vidal chose to seize the General Inspectorate on the case Sciences Po .

To read also:

Camille Kouchner: “My mother, she understood very well.

She minimized, it's even worse "

In order to "

protect the staff and the school itself

", not to allow "

a situation prejudicial to the good training of the pupils and to the reputation of the establishment

" to develop, Frédérique Vidal has just commissioned a mission to "

Establish the chronology of the facts, the responsibility of each and the possible flaws in the organization of governance


Because, as revealed in an article in

Le Monde

, Frédéric Mion, director of Sciences Po, had been alerted in 2019 to rumors of incest concerning the political scientist Olivier Duhamel, who since 2016 chaired the National Foundation of Political Science (FNSP), this body which manages the Po sciences budget and validates the school's strategy.

The press echoed the fact that the director of the establishment, Frédéric Mion, would have had to know previously accusations made public by Camille Kouchner's book.

These elements caused a strong stir inside and outside the establishment,

”explains the Minister.

Student unions, such as the Unef de Sciences Po, have since demanded the resignation of Frédéric Mion, accusing him of having participated in the omerta.

The mission commissioned by the minister will go to the school at the beginning of next week.

She is expected to report back in the coming weeks.

An announcement received "

very favorably

" we told Sciences Po. "

I note with satisfaction the decision of the Minister and I am delighted with the opportunity which will be given to us to fully shed light on this painful affair

, explains Frédéric Mion.

All Sciences Po students, their staff, researchers and teachers, can count on my determination to provide an accurate and exhaustive account of my management


Entrance and opacity

Will Frédéric Mion take sole responsibility for this affair?

Enarque passed by the Council of State and Canal +, he had succeeded in 2013 to Richard Descoings at the head of the Institute of political studies of Paris (IEP), the public establishment which steers the training and research of the school.

At the same time, the FNSP, chaired by Olivier Duhamel, is a private law foundation supposed to ensure the independence of the institution.

The Duhamel affair highlights, once again, this foundation where inter-self and opacity seem to be the rule.

Read also:

Sciences Po shaken by the Duhamel affair

Its board of directors has 40% of "founding members", personalities from the political and economic world, often members of the Siècle, this elitist club, who are co-opted by the president of the foundation.

Heavyweights who reign supreme at the FNSP, facing student representatives, teachers and staff.

After the revelations, some of these founding members did not hesitate to unofficially give their full support to Olivier Duhamel.

Pending the replacement of the latter at the head of the foundation, it is Louis Schweitzer, the former boss of Renault who will take over the interim.

Shuffle the Cards

Within and outside the school, voices are being raised today asking to finally reshuffle the cards.

In an email sent on January 14 to the members of the two management bodies of Sciences Po, Nicolas Metzger, former chairman of the IEP board, now an entrepreneur, "




Frédéric Mion to resign and to the whole the board of directors of the FNSP "

to be in solidarity with this respectable decision


Self-protection reflexes are not up to the stakes.

The Duhamel affair should untie all the languages ​​of the victims of sexual violence, in an institution which inspires confidence and protects against the powerful.

What confidence do we inspire when the first instincts are lies, corporatism and blindness?

He writes.

On January 13, the prefect of Île-de-France, Marc Guillaume, former secretary general of the government, announced that he was resigning from the positions held in the establishments where Olivier Duhamel worked, including the FNSP.

While assuring that he was "



ignorant of

the charges of incest against the constitutionalist ... Will others follow him?