The Limited Times

Mandatory Testing Building | Residents from the 20th Building in Miaojie Epidemic Area must be tested within 3 days (list attached)

1/15/2021, 10:55:49 PM

The new crown pneumonia epidemic continued, and an outbreak occurred at the junction of Yau Ma Tei and Jordan, and a "Temple Street Epidemic Area" appeared. A total of more than 80 residents have been diagnosed. The Secretary for Food and Health, Chen Zhaoshi, announced today (15th) that it will go east to Nathan Road and west

Social News

Written by: Zhang Jiamin and Wang Jieen

2021-01-15 17:14

Last update date: 2021-01-16 00:41

The new crown pneumonia epidemic continued, and an outbreak occurred at the junction of Yau Ma Tei and Jordan, and a "Temple Street Epidemic Area" appeared. A total of more than 80 residents have been diagnosed.

The Secretary for Food and Health, Chen Zhaoshi, announced today (15th) that compulsory community testing will be carried out on Nathan Road in the east, Ferry Street in the west, Gansu Shu in the north, and Jordan Road in the south. If there is a confirmed case in a building in the area In the case, all residents of the building were required to undergo mandatory testing, which involved 20 buildings, hoping to achieve the zero-clearance target.

The government announced the list of the 20 buildings in the evening, including Yu Tak Building, Jordan Building and Jinxun Building.

Anyone who has been in the relevant building for more than 2 hours between January 2 and 15, 2021 must be tested within three days from tomorrow (16th), that is, on or before January 18th.

The government announced on January 15 that it had issued a mandatory testing order to the "Temple Street Epidemic Area" around Temple Street in Jordan. If there is a confirmed case in a building, all residents of the building will be required to undergo mandatory testing.

(Photo by Zhang Haowei)

▼The government issued a mandatory inspection order to the ``Miaojie Epidemic Area''▼

The list will continue to be updated until the risk of infection in the region is reduced

The government pointed out that it has noticed that there have been many confirmed cases in Yau Ma Tei and Jordan in a short period of time. There are many old buildings in the area, the living environment is more crowded, and the risk of community infection may be higher.

Therefore, within the past 14 days in a building in the designated area, a unit with one or more confirmed cases will be included in the mandatory testing announcement under Chapter 599J.

According to this criterion, a total of 20 buildings must be included in the scope of mandatory testing.

The Food and Health Bureau announced the list in the evening and stated that the list will continue to be updated until the risk of infection in the community drops to a low level.

To be tested before the 18th

According to the authorities, any person (including but not limited to residents, visitors and staff) who has been in any of the above specified places for more than two hours between January 2 and January 15 must be tested on or before the 18th .

If the person under inspection has been tested between January 13th and 15th, they will be deemed to have complied with the mandatory testing announcement.

The bureau also stated that the Home Affairs Department will specially send personnel to visit buildings in the district to assist residents to conduct tests at mobile sampling stations or at the community testing center set up at Henry Leong Yau Ma Tei Community Center.

The government also plans to increase mobile sampling facilities when necessary.

▼The situation of the "Miaojie Epidemic Area" (as of January 13)▼




Guanyong Gymnasium set up sampling station

In addition, as 15-27A Bi Street, Yau Ma Tei, Kowloon, Hong Kong, and Xiao Fung Building, Fung Wah Village, No. 6 Fung Ha Road, Chai Wan, there were unrelated confirmed cases in two or more units in the past 14 days, so mandatory Detection.

Starting tomorrow, the government will set up additional mobile sampling stations in the open space between Xiaofeng Building and Xiufeng Building in Fenghua Village, as well as the Guanyong Gymnasium.

According to the bureau, the community testing center at Henry Leong Yau Ma Tei Community Center and the mobile sampling station at Kwun Chung Stadium are expected to provide free testing services for approximately 5,000 people each day.

The government announced on January 15 that it had issued a mandatory testing order to the "Temple Street Epidemic Area" around Temple Street in Jordan. If there is a confirmed case in a building, all residents of the building will be required to undergo mandatory testing.

(Photo by Zhang Haowei)

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