The Limited Times

"Science will be at the forefront of my Administration": Biden introduces more members of his Cabinet

1/16/2021, 9:01:43 PM

In an act to introduce other members of his Cabinet, the inaugurating president this week appointed geneticist Eric Lander as the leader of the group of advisers who will ensure that decisions are based "on science, fact and knowledge. truth".

The president-elect, Joe Biden, introduced this Saturday to the members of the scientific team that he decided to train to receive advice when he takes office.

At the head of this group, he appointed geneticist Eric Lander as the first to fill the role of science advisor

within the presidential Cabinet itself

"Science will always be at the forefront of my Administration", is the phrase with which the Democrat explained this decision before formally presenting it to the press. He also explained that the scientific team "will make sure that everything we do is based in science, facts and truth ".

[These are the benefits from Biden's plan: a new check for $ 1,400, vaccinations for all and supports for workers]

The president-elect will also retain in his administration the director of the National Institutes of Health, Francis Collins,

who worked with Lander

in the field of the study of the human genome.

Biden also appointed two prominent female scientists to co-chair the President's Science and Technology Advisory Council.

Scientist Eric Lander, in a photo taken during a talk he gave in 2010 in Mexico City. AP / AP

Frances Arnold, a chemical engineer from the California Institute of Technology who won the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry, and MIT vice president for research and geophysics, Maria Zuber, will lead the external scientific advisory council.

Lander held that position during the Obama Administration.

Lander is a

pioneering scientist in mapping the human genome

, defined as the "book of life."

He is the founding director of the Broad Institute at MIT and Harvard and was the lead author of the first paper that announced the details of the human genome.

He is also a mathematician. 

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Jan. 15, 202102: 34

Biden, who will take office as president next Wednesday, is expected to serve as director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy and scientific advisor.

This appointment

has to achieve the confirmation of the Senate

, which will be a Democratic majority when Jon Ossoff AND Raphael Warnock, two members of that party who won two seats in Georgia this month, take up their new positions, which may happen as early as a week. coming. 

In an emailed statement to The Associated Press news agency, Collins called Lander "brilliant, visionary, exceptionally creative, and highly effective at aspiring to others." 

With information from AP.