The Limited Times

CDU party congress: Laschet wins, Merz loses - the network laughs

1/16/2021, 10:16:49 PM

After a head-to-head race against Friedrich Merz, Armin Laschet decides for himself as the CDU chairman. In the network, however, both get their fat off.

After a head-to-head race against Friedrich Merz, Armin Laschet decides for himself as the CDU chairman.

In the network, however, both get their fat off.

  • The



    Armin Laschet

    as its new chairman

    at its first digital party conference


  • Shortly after his defeat,

    Friedrich Merz

    demanded the office of economics minister.

  • The reactions on the net for both men from

    North Rhine-Westphalia are

    rather ungracious.

Munich - It remains an exciting race until the end.

Ultimately, however,

Armin Laschet

emerged victorious

from the election for the

CDU chairmanship


He prevailed against his rival

Friedrich Merz

in the runoff election


Nobert Röttgen was

eliminated in the first round of the digital party congress.

In the


, but only one of the three men from North Rhine-Westphalia was able to score.

And so much can be revealed: it was not the two finalists.

Congratulations on the presidency for Laschet?

Twitter is not happy with the selection

Actually he is today's winner: Armin Laschet.

After weeks of back and forth, the

Prime Minister from North Rhine-Westphalia was

able to

prevail against his two competitors.

But for some it doesn't make a big difference.

After all, you could only choose from older men from the western federal state.

One user even dares to make a somewhat daring

culinary comparison


The CDU has the choice between # Röttgen, #Merz or #Laschet - basically something like an all-you-can-eat buffet with tripe, udder and tongue.

#cdu #vorsitz #wegenmorgen #parteitag # cdupt21

- Tobias Mann (@tobiasmann) January 15, 2021

The well-known satirical show

Today Show

sees it very similarly, but does without the meat-heavy clarity.

An old, white man is the new chairman of the CDU.

Second place went to the old, white man.

Third place went to an old, white man. # Cdupt21 #Laschet

- ZDF heute-show (@heuteshow) January 16, 2021

Armin Laschet is the new chairman, but he can also be Chancellor: The network with a clear message

Others, however, are not necessarily convinced that Laschet has what it takes to be

Merkel's successor


So far, he has apparently not been able to convince


chancellor qualities


When asked whether Laschet could be Chancellor, many find a clear and concise answer:



Overall, Armin Laschet's greatest asset seems that he is not Friedrich Merz.

A rather questionable success - at least from the point of view of many

Twitter users


Armin #Laschet is the new CDU chairman.

His biggest plus point: He's not Friedrich # Merz. # Cdupt21 #cduparteitag

- Browser Ballet (@browserballett) January 16, 2021

Merz's speech at the CDU party congress causes irritation on the Internet - one topic in particular annoys Twitter

While many on Twitter cannot really warm up to Armin Laschet, the mood becomes quite frosty when it comes to adversary

Friedrich Merz



speech at the party congress

is not well received by many.

For example, one user wonders how the 65-year-old got his reputation as a good speaker.

Others are more confused by the content of the speech.





do not get off well in the politician's address when he mentions them in the same breath as “socially weak”.

It is this sentence that will stay with #Merz, a sentence for eternity:

"Even those who are socially weak will find a heart and affection from us - let me say a word to women in this context." # cdupt21

- Boris N. Moellers (@BorisNMoellers) January 16, 2021

A sentence that starts with "Let me say a word to women" I don't really want to hear until the end ... #Merz

- Michael Lühmann (@HerrLuehmann) January 16, 2021

After Merz's defeat against Laschet: Twitter predicts the end of his career

One or the other is happy to have to read less about the failed candidate in the future.

Others suspect that the end of his career

could be approaching

after his renewed failure in his

efforts to become the CDU chairman


Merz had demanded the office of economics minister immediately after his defeat.

An effort that

Chancellor Angela Merkel

cleared the table pretty quickly.

The short answer was that no reshuffle was planned in the cabinet.

And even

Harry Potter

is used as a comparison for the renewed election defeat.

Um, # because of tomorrow: If Friedrich #Merz is defeated for the third time, he only has four Horcruxes, right?

Question for Harry Potter ...

- Robin Mesarosch (@mesarosch) January 15, 2021

Probably the most positive feedback gets the loser

Norbert Röttgen

, of

all people

, who from the start was awarded an

outsider position

in the race for the CDU chairmanship.

Columnist Sibel Schick suspects that his defeat could have something to do with the fact that Röttgen had explicitly

spoken out


racism and anti-Semitism


Others highlighted his speaking skills.

Hendrik Wieduwilt, moderator and ex-press spokesman for the Federal


of Justice, was even

shocked in love


Röttgen looks into the camera.

Röttgen varies the energy, sometimes slows down for a moment.

Rhetorical question, starting in narrative mode, very good.

Easy for roll calls.

We have to do this.

Kindness in the voice, but firm.


- Hendrik Wieduwilt (@hwieduwilt) January 16, 2021


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