The Limited Times

Delmenhorst near Bremen: Police end illegal party - and have to come again

1/16/2021, 12:19:43 PM

Instead of buffet and music, there are now fines: In Delmenhorst, the police had to end a party. The officers were called again just a few hours later.

During an operation against an illegal birthday party in Delmenhorst near Bremen, there was resistance and bottles were thrown against police officers.

Only the use of pepper spray repelled the attacks on Saturday night, the officials said.

A 24-year-old visitor from Berlin was taken into custody.

The police had been informed shortly before midnight of a disturbance by a party with at least twelve people.

When the emergency services arrived, some guests fled.

According to the police, the hosts had set up “a rich buffet and a music system”.

The party was initially able to end with several advertisements, among other things because of dangerous bodily harm and violation of the Corona requirements.

In the morning, however, the police had to move out again: some of the celebrations had continued the party.

You will be fined twice for that night.

Icon: The mirror

lmd / dpa