The Limited Times

Duhamel case: after #MeToo, comes the hashtag #MeTooInceste on social networks

1/16/2021, 7:32:07 PM

Hundreds of testimonies from incest victims accumulate on Twitter, shortly after the publication of Camille Kouchner's book accusing

“Thirty years later, I still struggle every day to (re) build myself”, “It was my brother”, “My grandfather for several years”… On Twitter this weekend, it's a new word that frees.

In the wake of the Olivier Duhamel affair, a hashtag #MeTooInceste launched, this Saturday, “hundreds” of testimonies on Twitter, according to the feminist movement #NousToutes.

On the model of the #MeToo movement which triggered a wave of free speech by women denouncing sexual assault and harassment from 2017, this new hashtag comes "in the wake of the publication of Camille Kouchner's book,

La familia grande

" , notes the feminist movement in a press release.

She reveals in this book that her twin brother was the victim of incest by her stepfather, the political scientist Olivier Duhamel, when he was 14 years old.


Olivier Duhamel affair: what Camille Kouchner's book on incest reveals

For #Noustoutes, "these testimonies confirm what has been said and repeated for many years" by child protection professionals: "the people who commit the crime of incest come from all walks of life", adults react " little or badly ”and the signals sent by the victims“ are not heard ”.

"What I want is to obtain justice"

The movement believes that "we would be able to detect this violence very quickly and put an end to it", arguing in particular for "massive prevention campaigns" and for better training of professionals who work in contact with children.

The hashtag #MeTooInceste was second in trending on Twitter late Saturday afternoon.

Throughout the messages interspersed with supportive reactions and calls to "shake the walls", testimonies followed.

I was between 11 and 14 years old.

He was my brother.

I am 57 years old and I am still a victim of this past.

Apart from my daughter, I never built anything.

My social, professional or sentimental life is only a succession of failures and isolation.


- Anne-Marie JOVER (@jover_anne) January 16, 2021

“I was between 11 and 14 years old.

He was my brother.

I am 57 years old and I am still a victim of this past.

Apart from my daughter, I never built anything.

My social, professional or sentimental life is only a succession of failures and isolation ”, testifies one Internet user.

I was 5.

He was a 39-year-old cousin.

32 years of #AmnesieTraumatique #metooinceste #StopPrescription

- Mié Kohiyama (@MiKohiyama) January 16, 2021

" I was 5.

He was a 39-year-old cousin.

32 years of traumatic amnesia ”, confides another victim, who punctuates her tweet with an appeal against the prescription of this crime.

#MetooIncest My maternal grandfather was a pedophile predator.

I was one of his many victims.

Even today it is a taboo for many members of our family.

30 years later, I still struggle on a daily basis to (re) build myself.

- Flore Tricotelle (@FloreTricotelle) January 16, 2021

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“My maternal grandfather was a pedophile predator,” admits yet another.

“I was one of his many victims.

Even today it is a taboo for many members of our family.

30 years later, I still struggle on a daily basis to (re) build myself.


My grandfather for several years

My father on my two half-sisters, one of them committed suicide

All the women in my family were aware

Case closed without further action, without any investigation

All I want c is getting justice


- L3_T4t0n 🍪 (@ L3_T4T0N) January 16, 2021

“My grandfather for several years.

My father on my two half-sisters, one of them committed suicide.

All the women in my family knew about it.

Case closed without further action, without any investigation.

All I want is to get justice, ”we still read on the same social network.


"And yet it turns", "May God forgive him": when writing breaks the silence on incest

Incest remains a deeply taboo subject in society and still minimized, while it is massive in France, with nearly one in ten people potentially affected.