The Limited Times

January 17, 1991: Operation "Desert Storm" is unleashed on Iraq and television screens

1/16/2021, 11:29:30 AM

THE FIGARO ARCHIVES - Thirty years ago, the US-led coalition launched an air offensive against Iraq. A turning point that put an end to the Gulf War in forty days.

There are white lightning in the sky.

Bullets are fired from all sides.

It's like a huge thunderbolt in the sky


It is with these words from CNN television station Baghdad correspondent John Holliman that Americans and the world learn of the launch of Operation

Desert Storm


An air offensive on an unprecedented scale, part of the American bases in Saudi Arabia and the aircraft carriers stationed in the Gulf of Oman.

A video war for viewers fascinated by an unreal ballet of green dots exploding on a black screen.

Read also: Patrick de Saint-Exupéry: an epic crossing of Iraq at war (1991)

Five months earlier, on August 2, 1990, Saddam Hussein's Iraq, which called for the cancellation of its debt and a rise in oil prices, invaded Kuwait, its rich neighbor, accused of not respecting its production quota of black gold.

The invasion was condemned by the UN and from August 6, Iraq was placed under embargo.

On November 29, the UN Security Council votes on resolution 678 which legitimizes employment

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