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Rabbi Mazuz in an attack on the Supreme President: "Madam Hayut, do not be a beast" - Walla! news

1/16/2021, 9:28:43 PM

The rabbi, one of the most important rabbis in the Sephardic Torah community, harshly criticized Judge Hayut in the background of the decision not to hold a discussion on the introduction of chametz into the hospitals on Passover. "Everyone who comes to the hospital will bring food from home and think he is in Germany, in a country of Jews no such thing is done." Listen to the recording

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Rabbi Mazuz in an attack on the Supreme Court President: "Mrs. Hayut, do not be an animal"

The rabbi, one of the most important rabbis in the Sephardic Torah community, harshly criticized Judge Hayut in the background of the decision not to hold a discussion on the introduction of chametz into the hospitals on Passover.

"Everyone who comes to the hospital will bring food from home and think he is in Germany, in a country of Jews no such thing is done."

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  • Esther Hayut

  • Rabbi Meir Mazuz

  • Pesach

  • Supreme Court

Yaki Adamkar

Saturday, 16 January 2021, 23:09

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In the video: Rabbi Meir Mazuz in an attack on the carrying of the top animals: "Do not be an animal, you are a human being" (Walla NEWS system!)

Rabbi Meir Mazuz, one of the most important rabbis in the Sephardic Torah community, this evening (Saturday) attacked the president of the Supreme Court, Judge Esther Hayut, for her decision not to hold another hearing in the ruling that hospitals have no authority to ban chametz.

"Mrs. Animals, do not be an animal," the rabbi said.

"You are a human being, do not do this thing. Let us live in the Land of Israel."

Rabbi Mazuz, serves as the head of the "Chair of Mercy" yeshiva in Bnei Brak, one of the yeshivas considered by the Sephardic public, and in his weekly lesson thousands of people watch and listen via YouTube, radio and other means.

The rabbi devoted most of the lesson to Hayut's decision, and during his remarks, he said that "he who fights the Torah, in the end the Blessed One will fight him."

The rabbi referred to the High Court decision and said “Damn wicked, fighting the Torah, fighting the ultra-Orthodox, fighting the yeshivot.

All those in our day who are fighting the Torah, will stand on their graves in the next generation and forget all the damned deeds they do.

That's not the way to do it. "

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Final: The High Court will not discuss the ban on bringing chametz into hospitals;

The ultra-Orthodox attacked: "Cheeky judges"

To the full article

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"Judges are impudent, wicked cursed."

Rabbi Meir Mazuz (Photo: Walla! NEWS system, Harel Zanzori)

In his great lesson he claimed that he was talking "from heartache" and realized that he might be criticized for this, he suggested that "Whoever wants to eat chametz, before Pesach who travels abroad for free at your expense (Esther Hayut - 11) will eat and eat, and come back to us fat , Why are you doing this thing?

Do you think there is no danger?

There is a danger. "Rabbi Mazuz added that anyone who is hospitalized during Passover in Israeli hospitals" will bring food from home and think he is in Germany "because" in a state of Jews no such thing is done. "The

rabbi continued his attack on the decision:" Are we a state of law?

A state of laughter, a state of destruction, a state of zero, a state of darkness.

The Torah will fight you to the bitter end.

She (Judge Hayut-Ya) decided to allow chametz to be brought on Passover in hospitals, which was not the case for 70 years, the complete secularists always said 'we want a Jewish state, not a state of all its citizens'. A religious person goes to a hospital, sees chametz in front of him, "This is the worst thing in the world. Soon the Messiah will come, sweeping away all these fools from the world, those who hate the Torah."

At the end of his lesson, the rabbi conducted "Who Blessed" to all "listeners of the lesson, and all readers of the leaflet," as he put it, adding: "Including High Court judges that if they heard our words, that we spoke in pain, they might recover.

There is no mouth-clogging here, we have democracy, a person is allowed to say what hurts him. "

The judges ruled that the ban on bringing food on Passover violates basic rights.

Supreme Court President Esther Hayut (Photo: Flash 90, Jonathan Zindel / Flash 90)

As mentioned, the High Court early last week rejected the Chief Rabbinate's request to hold another hearing in the ruling, which stated that hospitals do not have the authority to ban the introduction of chametz into their area during Passover. Supreme Court President Esther Hayut ruled that the legal questions were focused on the hospitals' authority. They do not justify another hearing in an expanded panel. The

rabbinate's request comes after the High Court made the decision last April, as part of a petition filed by the secular forum, Adalah and several Meretz MKs, along with MK Ksenia Svetlova.

Justices Uzi Vogelman and Ofer Grosskopf ruled The sweeping ban on the introduction of food (other than fresh vegetables and fruits and packaged food bearing a kosher stamp for Pesach) during Pesach violates basic rights and especially the individual's autonomy and freedom of religion. Any law authorizing hospitals to infringe on these rights.

The hospitals will allow the introduction of food, including chametz, during the Passover period

The ruling further states that hospital security guards are not allowed to contact hospital visitors with "any comment, instruction or distraction regarding bringing food into the hospital during Passover."

In addition, it was decided that the hospitals will allow the introduction of food, including chametz, during the Passover period, while establishing arrangements that will allow the kosher food served by the hospital to be maintained.

The ultra-Orthodox parties, Shas and Torah Judaism, protested the decision of the High Court, and Degel HaTorah chairman MK Moshe Gafni claimed that "the judges are rude."

In Walla!

NEWS It was also reported that Gafni's party - Torah Judaism, wanted to hold a special recess debate, even though it is an election period, to advance legislation against the High Court decision. However, this request has not yet been accepted, as the consent of the chairman of the Yesh faction is required. The future of MK Meir Cohen.

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