The Limited Times

The week begins: The winds at work are stormy Israel today

1/16/2021, 10:43:49 PM

Capricorn: Heaven expects you to succeed in negotiations • Virgo: Take the initiative and make connections for the sake of promotion • Forecast for 17.1 | horoscope

Capricorn: Heaven expects success in negotiations • Virgo: Take the initiative and make connections for promotion • Full forecast for 17.1

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It is really important that you practice saving money.

Your situation does not allow for waste.

Once you have a penny in your pocket you rush to buy gifts, especially for others.

You must learn to set boundaries and make appropriate choices for changing situations.

Heaven overflows with blessing and luck on those of you who aspire to control their lives, without being dependent on others.


The family relationship bothers you.

The problematic connections are floating on the surface.

Someone is boiling designers because he feels they are not being treated nicely enough, while you have a feeling that you are the ones pushed into the corner.

There seems to be no escape and it can no longer be postponed, and it is time to discuss the issue.

Do not worry too much about the results.


The Mercury star that rules you maintains a beautiful system of relationship with the sky, but there is also a challenging chip.

Your desire to open a new relationship, on the right foot, progresses very slowly.

You need to improve communication and make clear how you feel about those involved.

Better responses will be received if you manage to convey your message in a smart and non-threatening way.


The state of the moon you control implies an over-criticism that you adapt to yourself.

Shopping that is not necessary can weigh on your budget.

However, since in general the situation will improve greatly in the future, you can relax.

At the same time, you need to internalize that advance planning will prevent stressful situations.

An issue you neglected needs to be re-examined.


You feel pressure put on you because of circumstances beyond your control.

It is clear to you that you will not be able to change what involves other people's decisions regarding their personal affairs.

And yet, against all odds, you try.

In the evening you are expected to receive a call from a friend from the past.


Positive feedback from an influential person raises your morale.

You feel the need to stand out and find more convenient avenues for expressing your skills.

Take initiative and make personal connections for promotion in the field of work.

In business you can be gentle when the desire arises in front of you, but these days you may have to pull out nails.


You're trying too hard.

You should release pressure and flow with what is happening without thinking about what the outcome of each move will be.

So in the field of work but also in the personal section.

You feel guilty because patience seems to have completely abandoned you, but this is not accurate.

Today, your attitude is influenced by the thoughts of the heart and not by the voice of reason.


Your career is very demanding and all your efforts are turning in this direction.

You are undecided about someone you have met and it is difficult for you to decide if a connection at this time is the right thing to do.

It is advisable to postpone the decision.

The situation is not ripe yet and the attempt to push things and accelerate at a pace - will lead to the opposite results than desired.

Heaven hints: Let someone else lead.


At work and in business one should plan well and take care of every detail or simply, not rely on coincidences.

In the field between you and her, you have not had such a fun day in a long time.

The partners behave in a surprising way and you decide to cooperate.

A romantic atmosphere opens the door to recreation and shared experiences that may last into the night.

Do not think about tomorrow!

Flow with it.


Today you feel under attack and do not understand what happened to the pleasant atmosphere that was and disappeared as if in an instant.

Lack of communication and misunderstandings will accompany this day.

You have the opportunity to look for a way to vent your anger outward and not internalize it, as you are used to doing.

Heaven expects you to be a material success following wise negotiation.


This is a day where you learn to re-evaluate your patience that is on the edge of the border.

Emotional problems make you think sadly.

Try to learn to ignore the opinions of others about you, especially those with clear interests.

Be vigilant!

Heaven encourages determination that brings victory, and rejects the hesitant attitude.


You should keep a low profile.

The winds in the workplace are stormy and there is no point in getting caught in the eye of the storm, even though the temptation is very great.

Your opinion is important, but do not claim it in any way except in an emergency.

Romance is ripe for new beginnings that do not take into account what has passed, but turn to the future with great hope in the heart.

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