The Limited Times

Washington: armed suspect arrested near Capitol

1/16/2021, 10:04:55 PM

A few days before Joe Biden's inauguration, a man drove into a police checkpoint in the US capital with a loaded pistol and 500 rounds of ammunition. This emerges from an as yet unpublished police report.

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The area around the Capitol will be cordoned off


Carolyn Kaster / AP

A few days before the inauguration of the future US President Joe Biden, an armed suspect was arrested by the Capitol Police in the capital Washington.

The man from the state of Virginia drove to a police checkpoint not far from the US Capitol on Friday evening, according to a police report that is available to the news agencies dpa and AFP.

Accordingly, he had a loaded pistol and 500 rounds of ammunition with him.

The police also seized shotgun ammunition.

The arrest was made, among other things, because neither the firearm nor the ammunition was registered.

The news channel CNN reported that the man had presented a fake access authorization for the swearing-in ceremony, which is to take place this Wednesday.

With this he tried to gain access to the security zone around the congress seat.

According to the New York Times, neither the police nor the Capitol Police, whose job it is to protect the members and buildings of Congress, wanted to comment on the report first.

more on the subject

  • Icon: Spiegel Plus After the attack on the Capitol: Is Biden's inauguration safe? Marc Pitzke and Alexander Sarovic report from New York and Washington

  • FBI warns of violence at Biden's swearing-in: "We know who you are"

  • Before Biden's inauguration: National Guardsmen prepare for armed action in Washington

Drastic security measures in central Washington

After the storming of the US Capitol by supporters of the elected President Donald Trump on January 6, in which five people were killed, there is great concern about further acts of violence surrounding the swearing-in of Biden.

In the center of the capital, where the White House and Capitol are located, as well as a large open space with various landmarks, drastic security measures have been taken.

Metal fences and concrete barricades were erected next to police checkpoints.

Thousands of members of the National Guard - part of the US Army Reserve - were deployed to protect the Congress seat.

The inauguration on the west side of the Capitol is an event with maximum security, even under normal circumstances.

This year, in view of the recent riots, this is particularly true - even if the ceremony takes place without the usual mass audience due to the corona pandemic.

At the inauguration, the Secret Service responsible for protecting the President is in charge of security.

Icon: The mirror

ngo / dpa / AFP

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