The Limited Times

Like Denayer, Lyon does not want to let go

1/17/2021, 10:49:44 AM

The equalizer signed Jason Denayer at the end in Rennes (2-2) confirms that Lyon, autumn champion, retains the same mental strength and wants to hang on to first place when it comes time to receive Metz, Sunday (9 p.m. ) during the 20th day of Ligue 1.

“We have to keep the same motivation and the same dynamics.

There was a click at the collective level.

We have improved a lot, everyone thinks a little more about the team and it is therefore easier ", already recognized, just before the break, the 25-year-old defender.

The Belgian has brought his total of goals with OL to four since his arrival in 2018, all decisive and always on assists from Memphis Depay.

In addition to the equalizer in Rennes, he won against Saint-Étienne (1-0) and Amiens (1-0) in the league in 2018/19 and opened the scoring in the quarter-final of the Coupe de France against Caen (3-1) during this same season.

The pair he forms with the Brazilian Marcelo Guedes (33) also gives guarantees of safety that Olympique Lyonnais had not shown for a long time.

“We have gained in safety because the whole team is working.

When you receive fewer attacks, it's easier to defend.

Being much more collective has made the task easier for the whole team, ”Denayer said before receiving Nantes (3-0).

If the offensive sector is effective, the midfield is also more solid with the renewal of Thiago Mendes and the decisive contribution of Lucas Paqueta, thus relieving the defensive line.

This solidarity that OL did not have last season translates into a series of sixteen games without defeat.

“We came back thanks to the mentality and the talent, that of Memphis in particular.

We were able to take this point and remain alone in the lead with the title of autumn champion, ”insisted coach Rudi Garcia in Rennes.

Obligations of a leader

“OL is a team that wants to win all matches, but you have to be determined in all areas of the game,” he warned at a press conference on Friday.

“Being first gives you obligations.

We must do more collectively and individually in the face of opponents who fear the leader as much as they want to bring him down, ”stressed the technician, attentive despite the current good series.

“The players are trying things.

There is individual confidence but I must continue to ensure that we do not fall asleep, ”insisted Garcia, who regrets the“ two points lost ”in Brittany.

“We wanted to win in Rennes and we only took one point leaving at least two teams to come back to us and instead of having a three-point lead, we only have one.

We must quickly correct the situation and start again with a series of victories against Metz ", warns the coach." It is always pleasant to be at the top of the standings.

When we are not in the lead we want to be, but when we are first we want to stay, "said defender Maxwel Cornet, noting" the refusal of defeat "as in Rennes.

The Ivorian international refutes the idea of ​​"luck", rather that of "daily work".

“It shows our character and it will take it to stay on top.

We do not want this series of invincibility to end and when the results are there, so does the confidence ”.

Metz is warned: Lyon seems determined to resume its forward march.

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  • League 1 standings

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