The Limited Times

Six Nations: Maracineanu wants "guarantees" in terms of health and advocates a "bubble"

1/17/2021, 8:37:50 PM

Will the Six Nations Tournament take place on the dates and in the stadiums scheduled? The organizers answered in the affirmative in recent days. Guest of Stage 2 this Sunday evening, on France 3, the Minister of Sports sets her conditions. “The English variant (of Covid-19) has arrived ...

Will the Six Nations Tournament take place on the dates and in the stadiums scheduled?

The organizers answered in the affirmative in recent days.

Guest of

Stade 2

this Sunday evening, on

France 3

, the Minister of Sports sets her conditions.

“The English variant (of Covid-19) has arrived in France.

I must have guarantees so that it can hold, ”insists Roxana Maracineanu.

And the latter to add, regarding a possible health "bubble": "This is what should be put in place."

An assumption obviously complicated to set up, knowing that the players concerned must also respond to the requests of their club during the period of the Tournament, from February 6 to March 20.

"We should set up tests to be sure that they can enter the bubble", slips the Minister.

Recall that the Blues must start the Six Nations Tournament on February 6 at 3:15 p.m., on the ground of Italy.

The tricolor staff also unveiled a list of 37 players selected for the competition.

Read also

  • Six Nations: the full program

  • Six Nations: the organizers assure that the 2021 edition will take place "as planned"

  • Serge Simon: "I have high hopes that the Six Nations Tournament will take place on the dates and in the stages planned"