The Limited Times

After a 10-year hiatus, the Children's Theater returns to Deir Ezzor

1/17/2021, 8:38:02 PM

Deir Ezzor-SANA After a 10-year hiatus due to the war on Syria, life has returned to the stage of theaters in the province of Dr.

Deir Ezzor-Sana

After a 10-year hiatus as a result of the war on Syria, life has returned to the stage of theaters in Deir Ezzor Governorate, through the Al-Asdekaa Forest show directed to children.

The presentation made by the Marie Troupe of Performing Arts affiliated to the Cultural Center in Deir Ezzor, the Director of Culture Ahmed Al-Ali told the SANA reporter that it is part of efforts to restore the soul to cultural life in the governorate by moving the theater wheel again through Mary's troupe, which was supplied with young elements and was the first of its work. The presentation indicating that the Deir Ezzor Thaqi woodwork was prepared within the available capabilities to display the work on a daily basis.

The director of the work, Alaa Al-Obeid, considered that the children's forest show came to quench the thirst of the governorate’s children, who yearned for a theater that touches their perceptions and tendencies after they were absent from the stage for ten years due to war, pointing out that the show spoke about honesty, cooperation and conflict between good and evil through cooperative pets that love each other And her struggle with the ferocious wolf that attacks her permanently.

Clothing designer Ghassan Ramadan explained that the details of the work and its purpose are a different vision in terms of designing the clothes of each character according to their role, to put the characters in the work atmosphere to appeal to children and make them love the theater.

The artist, Sadiq Fayyad, explained that the child's theater is a constructive and real art that has its goals and privacy with all its vocabulary and elements of its work, so the direct speech the child receives is represented by the values ​​that the characters transmit through the dialogue between them and through the songs and movement on stage, noting the children's interaction with the Friends Forest Show.

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