The Limited Times

Brigitte Macron "hopes" for judicial reform on incest

1/17/2021, 9:04:44 PM

The wife of the Head of State, Brigitte Macron, said on Sunday January 17 she wanted a judicial reform to fight against incest, a crime recently highlighted by the Olivier Duhamel case. " It's difficult to talk about it, it's courageous to talk about it ", but " it is absolutely necessary that these acts are known and that these acts are not kept silent ", affirmed Brigitte Macron on TF1, at the o

The wife of the Head of State, Brigitte Macron, said on Sunday January 17 she wanted a judicial reform to fight against incest, a crime recently highlighted by the Olivier Duhamel case.


It's difficult to talk about it, it's courageous to talk about it

", but "

it is absolutely necessary that these acts are known and that these acts are not kept silent

", affirmed Brigitte Macron on TF1, at the occasion of the launch of the Yellow Pieces operation which helps young hospitalized people.

Read also: #Metooinceste: thousands of testimonies after the Duhamel affair

Asked about the need for a "

judicial reform

" to which the executive is considering, she first replied that it was "a

field on which

" she did not want to go, before adding: "

I wish it, I hope so, I call with my wishes


Incest remains a deeply taboo subject in society and still minimized, while it is massive in France with nearly one in ten people potentially affected.

A hashtag #Metooinceste has since Saturday generated "


" of testimonies on Twitter, according to the feminist movement #Noustoutes.

The Minister Delegate for Citizenship Marlène Schiappa had previously affirmed on LCI that she "

would support the legislative proposals of the deputy Alexandra Louis to toughen the law on matters of incest, because she proposes to create specific offenses and reconsider these crimes
