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Galant orders the cancellation of a lecture by B'Tselem CEO: "Ban entry into the education system" - Walla! News

1/17/2021, 8:43:56 PM

After it became known that Hagai Elad would hold a meeting with the students of the real school in Haifa, the Minister of Education published a letter in which he called for a ban on the entry of schools by organizations, "which work contrary to educational purposes and call Israel an 'apartheid state'." B'Tselem said: "It is clear to us that it is not easy to hear what we have to say"

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Galant orders the cancellation of a lecture by B'Tselem's CEO: "Ban entry into the education system"

After it became known that Hagai Elad would hold a meeting with the students of the real school in Haifa, the Minister of Education published a letter in which he called for a ban on the entry of schools by organizations, "which work contrary to educational purposes and call Israel an 'apartheid state'."

B'Tselem said: "It is clear to us that it is not easy to hear what we have to say"


  • Yoav Galant

  • B'Tselem

  • Hagai Elad

  • Ministry of Education

  • Real Haifa

Sonia Gorodisky

Sunday, 17 January 2021, 22:36

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In the video: 300,000 fifth- and sixth-graders returned to school (Photo: Sonia Gorodisky)

Education Minister Yoav Galant today (Sunday) ordered the cancellation of a lecture by B'Tselem's director general, Hagai Elad, which was scheduled to take place tomorrow for 12th graders, as part of a seminar on human rights at the Haifa Real School.

Galant instructed his office director, Amit Edri, and the district administrators to ban the entry into schools of organizations that "work contrary to state education goals, including calling the State of Israel false lies or statements against Israel being a Jewish, Zionist and democratic state or action. Against education for significant service in the IDF or actions intended to harm or demean IDF soldiers during or after their service. "

In a letter sent this evening, Galant wrote that" we will not allow organizations that call the State of Israel 'apartheid state' to lecture students facing conscription. " "I instructed the director general of the ministry and the directors of the districts and divisions to ban the entry of these organizations into the education system."

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"We will not allow organizations that call the State of Israel 'Apartheid State' to lecture to students," Galant (Photo: Flash 90, Avshalom Shashoni / Flash 90)

Earlier today, B'Tselem's director general, Shai Glick, addressed the Minister of Education demanding that B'Tselem enter the Haifa Real School tomorrow. "Despite the refusal of most students, the principal forces his opinion and forces them to come to this lecture and other lectures by far-leftists." The organization's meeting with B'Tselem's director general was canceled last month, following criticism from right-wing activists.

According to Glick, "Breaking the Silence Law explicitly states that an organization that works against the values ​​of the State of Israel or against IDF soldiers will be denied entry to schools even on a one-time basis.

B'Tselem has publicly called for a refusal to enlist against the IDF and has publicly called on the UN to impose sanctions on the State of Israel.

If it does not violate the values ​​of the State of Israel, then what does it do?

We call on the Minister of Education to show governance.

"The" If You Will "movement responded that" this is the right and necessary decision.

It is not clear why they even considered presenting an extremist organization to students like B'Tselem, which makes a living from spreading lies and delegitimizing Israel and encourages international pressure against it.

The introduction of this despicable organization into the education system should be prohibited.

Spreading lies is not legitimate criticism and students should not be educated in the light of such misconduct.

This is the victory of common sense. "


On the other hand, the Legal Center for the Rights of the Arab Minority in Israel, Adalah, stated in response that the Minister of Education has no legal authority to prevent human rights organizations from meeting with students, simply because they have criticized him, noting that Israel violates the absolute prohibitions of international law. The ban on racial segregation is not in conflict with the goals of state education, as difficult as this determination may be. "

They added that "we intend to turn to the Attorney General to order Minister Galant to rescind his directive aimed only at silencing legitimate voices fighting for human rights and justice. It would have been better to concentrate on addressing the deep crisis in the education system and its students following the Corona crisis."

More on Walla!


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To the full article

MK Ofer Kasif (joint list), a member of the Knesset's Education Committee, also criticized the minister's decision: "The education general's order is the best proof of what he is trying to hide.

A state that holds millions under military rule and settler pogroms, a state that enacted the racist nationality law and systematically destroys Arab homes, a state that forcibly tries to hide its crimes, is an apartheid state in the horrific sense of the word. "

B'Tselem told Walla! They are aware of the cancellation of Elad's lecture. It was also reported that "B'Tselem is happy for the opportunity to talk to the students of the Real School about the reality of apartheid between the sea and Jordan and the human rights violations under the occupation.

It is clear to us that it is not easy to hear what we have to tell.

It is more pleasant to think that we are good and right and that is exactly what the education system tells students almost exclusively.

It is difficult to get to know and deal with the reality in Israel in 2021, but it is our duty. "

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