The Limited Times

Germany: centrist Armin Laschet takes the head of the CDU

1/17/2021, 8:31:44 PM

Elected with a narrow majority, this supporter of the line embodied by Angela Merkel will try to impose his candidacy to succeed him.

Correspondent in Berlin

Armin Laschet won a battle, but has yet to win the war.

The very centrist boss of the Land of North Rhine-Westphalia was elected president of the CDU on Saturday, with less than thirty votes apart.

She now has to become a candidate for Angela Merkel's succession, after sixteen years of uninterrupted reign of the Chancellor.

At the end of a somewhat chaotic virtual congress, the 59-year-old leader won 521 votes from delegates on Saturday morning, against 466 in favor of his main competitor, the most right-handed Friedrich Merz.

The third candidate, Norbert Röttgen, chairman of the Bundestag's foreign affairs committee, was eliminated in the first round.

But in the second round, the voices of his supporters mainly focused on the winner.

Read also:

Germany: Armin Laschet, holder of the Merkel line

By a narrow majority, the German Christian Democracy thus chooses the path of continuity.

She will now try to impose her new leader on

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