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Guardiola wanted to put Neuer in midfield - goalkeeper reacts coldly: "I have ..."

1/17/2021, 12:40:44 PM

Pep Guardiola actually wanted to call Bayern goalkeeper Manuel Neuer into midfield. Now the captain has reacted to the crazy plan.

Pep Guardiola actually wanted to call Bayern goalkeeper Manuel Neuer into midfield.

Now the captain has reacted to the crazy plan.

  • Pep Guardiola collected some titles with FC Bayern Munich.

  • Now CEO Karl-Heinz Rummenigge has unearthed a very special anecdote.

  • Manuel Neuer should play a game - but not as a goalkeeper.

Update from February 7th


Pep Guardiola

wanted to

set up

Manuel Neuer

as a midfielder - the response to this change would have been gigantic.

After winning the DFB Cup against Hoffenheim, the Bayern captain commented on it himself.

Would he have played there at all?

“I don't know for how long.

Now he's the City coach, let's see what happens next, ”he said easily.

So will there be a career as an outfield player at some point?

"Not under every coach," said 



The subject of midfield use is not completely off the table for @Manuel_Neuer.

But: only under certain conditions.

Respect for the opponent is particularly important to him.


- Stefan Kumberger (@__Kumbi__) February 6, 2020

But then he got more serious and explained that respect was important.

“I always have respect for my opponent.

Maybe it's about important points against relegation or a European competition.

Then you can't do things like that, ”he clarified.



will soon get a teammate who will help FCB on the pitch - President Herbert Hainer commented on the crazy rumors about Cristiano Ronaldo.

Rummenigge with a crazy Guardiola anecdote: Manuel Neuer should play - but not as a goalkeeper

First report from February 4th

: Munich - The era of

Pep Guardiola

had a lot that many a Bayern fan wanted back on a dreary autumn day in 2019: great football, glamor, goals, titles *.

Well - some of these components have been back at FC Bayern since

Hansi Flick

* was promoted. 

For many supporters of the Munich it is now clear that there is no better than




Herbert Hainer also

recently pleaded that he should be allowed to stay longer - if the results continue to be correct.

The rational thinker is not particularly fond of experiments.

Pep Guardiola

apparently does, as an incredible anecdote from his Bayern tenure now proves.

FC Bayern Munich: Pep Guardiola wanted to put Manuel Neuer in midfield

What was the plan?


Karl-Heinz Rummenigge wrote

in his foreword for the latest issue of Bayern magazine “51”, the successful coach had a very special plan with goalkeeper

Manuel Neuer

“I still remember how Pep Guardiola seriously had the idea to field him for a game in midfield after winning a championship.

I found it difficult to dissuade Pep from this idea, ”wrote Rummenigge.

I beg your pardon?!

Manu, the Libero - that's clear.

Neuer reinvented the goalkeeping game, has always acted far from his box and now and then makes a brave excursion.

But actually a

Bundesliga game in midfield


Oh #Pep, a fantastic idea - how I would have loved to see that !!!

Kalle, what did you do ???

From his foreword in the new @ FCBayern-Magazin:

- FCBlogin (@fcblogin) February 4, 2020

Now it is not clear whether this story is actually true.

Rummenigge goes into the idea again in his foreword - an indication that it was really serious?

Guardiola's idea would have “perhaps interpreted us as arrogance by some.

But I'm convinced: Manu would have cut a good figure in midfield too, ”he said.

It is impossible to imagine how the football world would have reacted to this line-up - but it would have been interesting to see Neuer on the field.

Maybe he would even have hit?

At least that would

not have been unusual


Bayern Munich



Hans-Jörg Butt

there was already a goalkeeper in the squad * who scored one or the other goal - even if it was only a penalty.

Manuel Neuer in midfield?

Pep Guardiola once had a crazy plan at Bayern Munich

Is Hansi Flick now considering setting up Neuer in the field?

He has other problems against Hoffenheim.

Who does he let go after Ivan Perisic is injured?

Here is the live ticker for the DFB Cup game.

Neuer's contract, like that of Thomas Müller, expires in 2021.

A spicy rule, however, could ensure that he cannot plan for the long term despite the contract extension. 

A football fan (21) from the Erding district went crazy when he was drunk.

After the championship celebration of FC Bayern 2019, he mobbed right-wing slogans.

His punishment should hurt him very much. *

Greta Thunberg and Bayern Munich?

Actually, both have little to do with each other.

But Mehmet Scholl now called an FCB star "Greta Thunberg of German football". 

* / are part of the Germany-wide Ippen-Digital editorial network
