The Limited Times

Kobi Shabtai will have to deal with restoring public trust in the police Israel today

1/17/2021, 9:43:50 PM

| In the country The new commissioner receives an organization whose deterrent force has been dramatically damaged in the face of rampant crime. Graduation Ceremony Photography:  Police spokeswoman This. The excuses are over. From today (Sunday) the police have a commissioner, and the burden of proof is now on him. So true, the fair debate as to why the appointment took more than two years will continue for s

The new commissioner receives an organization whose deterrent force has been dramatically damaged in the face of rampant crime.

  • Graduation Ceremony


    Police spokeswoman


The excuses are over.

From today (Sunday) the police have a commissioner, and the burden of proof is now on him. So true, the fair debate as to why the appointment took more than two years will continue for some time, but anyone who knows Kobi Saturn knows , And if there's something that turns it on it is the ability to change and do things much better.

But the phrase "what you see from here you don't see from there" also catches the police.

Saturn takes over police officers suffering from two acute problems.

On the one hand, public confidence in it is at an unprecedented low, and as a result, its public deterrent power has been dramatically damaged.

Crime in all sectors is rampant, criminals are not afraid to shoot at police officers, citizens are cursing them and for large sections of the public the law is no longer a red line that should not be crossed.

On the other hand, the organization suffers from a severe moral problem.

Saturn will have to shake off the word "politicization", which has more than once been used in the race for commissioners, and permanently delete the phrase "selective enforcement" - in which the police are accused of dealing with each and every sector.

Saturn's speech at the graduation ceremony // from Facebook

Therefore, among his first tasks he will have to deal with restoring public trust in the police, strengthening its deterrence especially in the face of criminal organizations and lifting the organization’s police officers and commanders off the boards.

No matter which government is formed, any government that is elected will have to make budget cuts that will also be imposed on the police and may impair its development and equipping tasks.

Returning to the routine of life is also expected to cause financial difficulties and the fear is that as always - the anger and frustration will be directed to the police.

Some believe that the fact that Saturn did not serve as district commander in his career is a weakness for him, but the fact that he commanded such a large force as the Border Guard is credited to him.

However, it is precisely the fact that he has not served in any staff position in the national headquarters as head of division, head of division or head of division that could serve him well, as a large part of the commissioner's work is reflected in working with external bodies. He will know how to appoint good, high-quality officers under him. Such, despite the impression, there are in the police.