The Limited Times

Migrant caravan: Guatemalan Army and Police slow progress

1/17/2021, 8:49:50 PM

Around 8 a.m. (local time), the nearly 7,000 migrants tried to move toward the Mexican border. There were clashes.

Credit: JOHAN ORDONEZ / AFP via Getty Images

(CNN Spanish) -

The Army and the National Civil Police of Guatemala doubled their forces this Sunday to prevent the thousands of migrants, who spent the night at kilometer 177 on the highway in Vado Hondo, Chiquimula, from trying to pass the security ring installed since Saturday afternoon to stop the continuity of the caravan.

At around 8 a.m. (local time), the nearly 7,000 migrants tried to pass.

However, the group at the front of the line was greeted with clubs by the army to stop their advance.

  • MIRA: Biden's advisor has already warned the migrant caravan: Do not come to the US.

Credit: JOHAN ORDONEZ / AFP via Getty Images

The army also detonated a stun bomb and fired tear gas to force the group of migrants back out of the security ring.

Several people, including children, were affected by the gases.

CNN has not been able to confirm how many people were injured.

  • MORE: Migrants in caravan to the US force enter Guatemala

Credit: JOHAN ORDONEZ / AFP via Getty Images

Since this Friday, thousands of migrants entered Guatemala through the El Florido border.

Migration confirms that there are at least 7,000 Hondurans who want to cross Guatemala to reach Mexico and then achieve their goal of entering the United States irregularly.


Credit: JOHAN ORDONEZ / AFP via Getty Images

Migration Guatemala also confirmed that since Thursday a total of 909 migrants who crossed the border returned to their country, and 474 people were referred to the Guatemalan Migration Institute.

With information from Michelle Mendoza

migrant caravan