The Limited Times

Premier League: Tottenham fourth after 1: 3 against Sheffield United | Israel today

1/17/2021, 4:29:36 PM

| World football Uriah (5), Kane (40) and Endombela (62) scored in the Spurs' away win over the table lock • McGoldrick Zimek (59) Endumbala. Signed on the third gate Photography:  EPA Three games will take place today (Sunday) in the 19th round of the Premier League. Even before they got on the pitch at Anfield Liverpool and Manchester United in tonight's main game, Tottenham beat the table lock Sheffield Un

Uriah (5), Kane (40) and Endombela (62) scored in the Spurs' away win over the table lock • McGoldrick Zimek (59)

  • Endumbala.

    Signed on the third gate



Three games will take place today (Sunday) in the 19th round of the Premier League.

Even before they got on the pitch at Anfield Liverpool and Manchester United in tonight's main game, Tottenham beat the table lock Sheffield United 1: 3 and temporarily moved up to fourth place.

After the 1-1 draw with Fulham in the previous round, the Spurs took advantage of the fact that Manchester City have yet to play (will later meet Crystal Palace) and with a smooth win over the likely relegation candidate, improved their position at the top of the table.

Sheffield in the previous round achieved its debut victory of the season (0: 1 over Newcastle) back to habit and lost for the 16th time.

Serge Oriya scored first in the 5th minute with a corner kick, Harry Kane doubled in the 40th minute with a great kick from outside the box and Tangi Andumbela sealed the game with the third and most beautiful goal of the game, in the 62nd minute.

Three minutes earlier, David McGoldrick had scored a shrinking goal.

Later in the evening:

Liverpool - Manchester United (18:30), Manchester City - Crystal Palace (21:15).

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