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The forecast: showers and thunderstorms from the north of the country to the northern Negev, snow on Mount Hermon - Walla! news

1/17/2021, 10:10:44 PM

The rains that fall all over the country will continue, but there will be a respite from noon until tomorrow. After that, the cold and rain will return in full force, while on Wednesday it may also snow on the high peaks of the northern and central mountains. Clarification - from Thursday

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Forecast: showers and thunderstorms from the north of the country to the northern Negev, snow on Mount Hermon

The rains that fall all over the country will continue, but there will be a respite from noon until tomorrow.

After that, the cold and rain will return in full force, while on Wednesday it may also snow on the high peaks of the northern and central mountains.

Clarification - from Thursday


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Yoav Itiel

Monday, 18 January 2021, 00:01

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In the video: The floods in Nahariya - the Ga'aton overflowed (Photo: Zeev Kraithammer and the Nahariya Municipality)

Showers will continue to fall tonight (Monday) from the north of the country to the northern Negev, and they will be accompanied by single thunderstorms.

In the coastal plain and in the lowlands there is a fear of flooding, while in the Judean Desert and the Dead Sea there is a fear of floods.

In the morning, occasional rains are expected, especially in the center of the country.

There may be a few thunderstorms, and until noon there is a fear of floods in the Judean Desert and the Dead Sea and flooding in the southern, central coastal plain and in the lowlands.

It snowed on Mount Hermon.

Temperatures have dropped and will be below normal.

From the afternoon the rains will decrease and fall mainly in the north of the country.

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Nahal Saar is buzzing with rain, today (Photo: Official website, Mickey Inbar)

Also on Tuesday, the rains in the north of the country will continue, and they will be accompanied by thunderstorms.

There is a fear of flooding in the north.

From noon onwards, the rain will gradually re-spread to the center, and there is a slight risk of flooding in the Judean Desert and the Dead Sea.

It snowed on Mount Hermon.

Temperatures will continue to be lower than normal, and strong winds will blow.

During the night the rains will spread to the Negev, with fears of flooding in the southern and eastern streams.

On Wednesday, the rains will continue for a while, and they will be accompanied by thunderstorms and hail, from the north of the country to the Negev.

Snow fell on Mount Hermon and in the northern Golan Heights, possibly also in the peaks of the northern and central mountains - above 900 meters.

There are fears of floods in the southern and eastern streams, and flooding in the coastal plain and in the lowlands.

From the afternoon the rains will gradually weaken.

On Thursday, the weather is expected to clear, and it will remain colder than usual for the season.

At night there is a fear of happening in the festival places.

Precipitation amounts accumulate in 24 hours

  • Degrees 104 mm

  • Elrom 72 mm

  • Front deer 43 mm

  • Kibbutz Shamir 46 mm

  • Safed 60 mm

  • Haifa 42 mm

  • Acre 40 mm

Rain on the streets of Bnei Brak, last week (Photo: Reuven Castro)

The police closed the entrances to the city of Nahariya yesterday, due to the heavy rains in the city that caused flooding in several centers.

In addition, roads were closed to traffic inside Nahariya as well.

Among other things, Hagaaton Boulevard in the section between Weizmann Street and Sokolov Street was closed to traffic;

Weizmann Street between the Founders Junction and the Szold Junction;

And Sokolov Street, between David Elazar Street and Rachel Maskit.

Police have diverted drivers to alternative routes.

Mayor Ronen Marley said that "the city is besieged again, the Ga'aton has overflowed in an extreme way, we are returning to events we are familiar with."

City Councilwoman Orna Starkman said that "Nahariya residents are drowning in the promises of the mayor and the prime minister."

She said, "We have heard endless promises from the mayor and the prime minister, but the results are the same. The city is flooded for the third time this year, the residents of Nahariya are tired of hearing stories and they are asking for action."

Exactly a year ago, Motti Ben Shabbat drowned in a flood in the city.

Ben Shabbat was found lifeless near the marina in Nahariya, following searches after him.

He tried to save a mother and daughter who were swept away in their car in the city and succeeded, but he himself was swept away.

The floods in Nahariya, yesterday (Photo: Fire and Rescue)

Forecasted temperatures tonight and tomorrow: in Jerusalem from 6 degrees at night to 10 degrees tomorrow at noon;

In Tel Aviv it will be from 12 degrees tonight to 15 tomorrow;

In Haifa from 11 at night to 14 during the day;

In Safed 7-4;

Katzrin 12-8;

In Nazareth 13-9;

In Afula 15-9;

In Tiberias 16-11;

In Beit She'an 15-11;

In Lod 14-10;

In Ashdod 15-12;

In Ein Gedi 20-15;

And in Eilat 21-13.

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