The Limited Times

“We don't feel the ass”, “Mollo on the destroy”… six cult lines by Jean-Pierre Bacri

1/18/2021, 6:10:56 PM

The actor, known for his roles as grumpy characters, has often had the opportunity to deliver lines that have become cult.

We all have at least one of his lines in mind.

Jean-Pierre Bacri has regaled French cinema and its audience with dozens of roles of annoyed, grumbling, angry and tongue-in-cheek anti-heroes.

Died this Monday at the age of 69, the actor starred in "Didier", "Cuisine and dependencies", "Le Goût des autres" or "Le Sens de la Fête".

We have extracted some of the strongest and funniest repartees.


“Yeah, neither do guys.

Damn, I told you nobody, don't be bad faith.

We don't feel anyone's ass!

There you go, neither the guys, nor the girls, nor the dogs, anyone!




(1997), Bacri plays the role of a sports agent who will see his life and his career turned upside down by the dog of one of his friends.

By some divine intervention, the Labrador has become human ... and above all very talented at football.


“Yes, we can tell that this fish comes from the sea, eh…”.


Kitchen and



Jean-Pierre Bacri plays Georges, a grumbler hosted by a couple of friends following his breakup.

The couple, in fact, invited another couple to dinner, as well as a loved one.

But the friends are late.

And tensions escalate at the slightest opportunity.

3. “I call that buggering flies, me…”



Un air de famille

(1996), he plays the role of a bitter boss, grumpy and not really considered by his family.

This film is based on the eponymous play written with his lifelong partner Agnès Jaoui.

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4. “

But what did I say?

Mollo on the destroy!




(1999), by Cédric Klapisch again, Jean-Pierre Bacri is this time a father who lets his children organize a New Year's Eve (which will prove to be full of surprises for some of the guests).

Before leaving, he recommends that the young people take it slow, not to slip away… But when, in the early morning, he discovers the apartment upside down, his reaction is scathing.


“What do we do?

We adapt !


The Meaning of the Party


is one of his last screen appearances.

He plays the role of a wedding planner a bit overwhelmed by events (and by his time).

6. "The".


The Taste of Others

(2000), the character that Bacri plays makes people laugh once again against his will.

The mustached man is trying to seduce an English teacher at this point.

And repeat “ze” fourteen times.
