The Limited Times

BNO|Interview with Leung Chun-ying Advocating the Prohibition of Dual Citizenship Reminds Hong Kong People: One Day Britain Can Kick You Off

1/18/2021, 11:14:08 PM

The political turmoil triggered a new wave of immigration. The British government launched a new BNO "5+1" plan. The application was officially accepted at the end of this month. There are widespread political rumors that Beijing will take countermeasures and no longer regard BNO as a travel document, and even cancel related persons

Political situation

Written by: Chen Jialuo, Peng Zhuowei, Chen Xiaoyu

2021-01-19 07:00

Last update date: 2021-01-19 07:00

The political turmoil triggered a new wave of immigration. The British government launched a new BNO "5+1" plan. The application formally accepted at the end of this month. There are widespread rumors in the political circles that Beijing will take countermeasures and no longer regard BNO as a travel document, and even cancel the voting rights of relevant persons.

The vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and former chief executive Liang Zhenying also proposed earlier to cancel the Chinese nationality and DQ Hong Kong permanent resident status of those who hold BNO to settle in the UK to obtain British nationality. He said in an interview with "Hong Kong 01" that if Hong Kong people If he decides to leave, he should not keep his Hong Kong identity card and appeal to Hong Kong people not to "step on two boats with one foot."

He alleged that the new BNO plan violated the "China-British Joint Declaration" memorandum, criticized the British for being shameless and unruly, repeatedly on the issue of nationality, and reminded Hong Kong people that the British can change their policies at any time in the future to remove their national status or rights.

Liang Zhenying holds a Green Paper of the British Nationality Act of 1977, referring to Britain’s repeated attitudes on the issue of nationality over the past few decades.

(Photo by Liang Pengwei)

Alleging that the British side's continuous changes to the nationality law can take away the rights



. The Chinese and British sides signed the "Sino-British Joint Declaration" memorandum in December 1984. The Chinese and British sides promised that after the return of Hong Kong, Hong Kong people can use British-issued passports, but not grant residence right.

Liang Zhenying pointed out that the latest BNO policy introduced by the United Kingdom violated the memorandum, but the British side had no excuse and questioned its motives.

During the interview, Liang Zhenying produced a Green Paper on the British Nationality Law published in April 1977. He pointed out that the word "Hong Kong" was mentioned in many places. "After more than 40 years, the United Kingdom has repeated and played with the so-called British nationality issue. Trick, the BNO policy change is not the first time." This green paper is one of the "sources."

He pointed out that the United Kingdom has granted the status of Hong Kong people through the new BNO program, which can be changed at any time in the future: "The British can one day kick you out. This has always been a feature of British nationality law. She keeps revising it and sometimes draws larger Sometimes, when she draws the circle, I want to reiterate: the British are very shameless. When she draws the circle, she draws out the due rights of some people who are already citizens of her country.

According to the laws implemented in the United Kingdom, those who were citizens of British Dependent Territories on June 30, 1997 due to their relationship with Hong Kong will cease to be citizens of British Dependent Territories from July 1, 1997, but will be eligible to retain certain An appropriate status to allow it to continue to use the passport issued by the United Kingdom government without granting the right of abode in the United Kingdom

Memorandum of "Sino-British Joint Declaration" in December 1984 (British side)

Liang: The central government will only target BNO people

The "Hong Kong National Security Act" has become an accelerator for many Hong Kong people to emigrate. However, Leung Chun-ying pointed out that the introduction of the BNO New Deal by the United Kingdom this time is definitely not a way of opening a peaceful door for those who are affected and worried about the National Security Act. "Let you enter the UK and leave the National Security Act. The jurisdiction of the United Kingdom is definitely not. The United Kingdom is definitely doing it for its own benefit, and it has a bad heart, to destabilize (shake) Hong Kong."

Liang Zhenying pointed out that it is impossible for the central government to do without countermeasures, but it is often "later to control people." For example, the last Hong Kong Governor Patten proposed the "three violations" political reform plan, and the Chinese government established a provisional legislature. "If the Chinese government has no countermeasures No country will respect any agreement reached with China in the future."

He believes that countermeasures should be aimed at holders of BNO and will not affect other foreign nationalities. "We only speak common sense. Since we want to use the new British policy, regardless of whether it violates the agreement between the two countries, you can go and stay in Hong Kong. What does it do?” He emphasized that society cannot continue to assume its obligations to those who have left Hong Kong.

The central government has not strictly enforced Article 9 of the Nationality Law. As long as they do not actively declare, Hong Kong people enjoy dual nationality treatment in disguise.

Liang Zhenying reiterated that nationality is not a trifling matter. "Think about it, everyone. Not only Chinese people have opinions, but foreigners also have opinions."

As for whether the prohibition of dual nationality will affect the interests of the social elites, Leung Chun-ying asked what he was worried about, "In 1982, China announced the resumption of Hong Kong. This was the case. I was worried about that time? What Emily Lau said recently was based on the perspective of an ant. Dashu, if she used her to teach the Fa, he would not dare to take back Hong Kong in 1982."

Mentioned that individual port district people’s congress representatives and members of the CPPCC also have foreign passports. Liang Zhenying agreed that the Nationality Law must be strictly enforced, especially those working in state agencies should not hold dual nationality.

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Liang Zhenying BNO British National (Overseas) Passport