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Despite the decline in the number of terrorist attacks, the GSS fears escalation in the coming year - Walla! News

1/18/2021, 9:47:08 PM

The summary of the past year published by the GSS shows that during it there was a decrease in the number of attacks that Palestinians tried to carry out, and that this trend also affected the number of casualties. However, Hamas continued this year to upgrade its operational capabilities, proving that there is still potential for deterioration.

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Despite the decline in the number of terrorist attacks, the GSS fears escalation in the coming year

The summary of the past year published by the GSS shows that during it there was a decrease in the number of attacks that Palestinians tried to carry out, and that this trend also affected the number of casualties. However, Hamas continued this year to upgrade its operational capabilities, proving that there is still potential for deterioration.


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Amir Bohbot

Monday, 18 January 2021, 23:25

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In the video: The IDF thwarted an explosive device attack near the village of al-Mu'ayir in Binyamin (edited by Nir Chen)

The year 2020 was marked by a decrease in the number of terrorist attacks and attempted terrorist attacks in the territories of Judea and Samaria or in the territories of Israel - according to the summary of the past year published by the GSS. "70 stabbing attacks, ten trampling attacks, 62 explosive devices, and five kidnappings. This is a decrease compared to 564 attacks that were thwarted in 2019, 581 in 2018, and 418 in 2017.

2020 was also low in the number of dead and wounded. Three Israelis were killed as a result of attacks." Made in "Judea and Samaria this year. As in the past, in the past year most of the significant attacks were carried out by individual terrorists and local squads. In 2019 10 people were killed, in 2018 16 people were killed. The number of wounded in the past year was 46, compared to 66 wounded in 2019 , And 83 in 2018.

According to the GSS, the year 2020 was characterized by a certain decrease in the intensity of the friction between Hamas and Israel, in view of the progress in the process of regulating and diverting the movement's attention to managing the corona crisis.

And yet, this year demonstrated that the potential for deterioration is built into the reality of the Gaza Strip, with an emphasis on the phenomenon of "rebelliousness" and economic distress.

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Some decrease in friction intensity.

Arrest of terrorist Ariel (Photo: IDF Spokesman)

Hamas also continued this year in the process of upgrading its operational capabilities, in a way that illustrated that the main threat in recent years lies in the process of building the movement's power in the Gaza Strip, alongside Hamas' relentless efforts to target terrorism in Judea and Samaria.

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To the full article

Compared to 2020, the year 2021 is expected to be characterized by very high security tensions.

In addition to the struggle in Corona, the salaries of the security prisoners, which are due to end in April and have not yet been resolved, join the Palestinian Authority and the Gaza Strip as escalators of tension.

Joe Biden's entry into the White House and uncertainty over whether to return hundreds of millions of dollars to projects in Judea and Samaria is also a factor that could increase explosives in the region.

In addition, the friction that arises between the Israeli and Palestinian populations, including hate crimes.

All of these will be a challenge for the defense establishment, but at the same time the defense establishment claims that there are quite a few restraining factors, including more than 100,000 workers working in Israel, restoring security and civilian coordination, and hope for the Palestinian Authority to launch joint projects with Israel and Palestinians.

Beyond the continuing decline in terrorism, at least in terrorist attacks, the GSS has released data on its contribution to the fight against the corona virus. Through the organization's technological assistance, more than 90,000 patients have been located. According to the Ministry of Health, about 50,000 new infections have been avoided. Severe morbidity and about 400 deaths.

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